Page 64 of Don't Date A DILF

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When Clark came by to tutor Toby this week, I hadn’t known how to act around him. I’d kept myself busy and avoided suggesting any more dates—though we’d have to get together this weekend to keep up appearances. Appearances, because I was supposed to be pretending, notfantasizingabout more.

Clark had caused my heart to race more than it had since I’d met Holly. I was like a teenage boy with a crush, and it had been a long time since I’d felt that way.

But I wasn’t a teenage boy. I was thirty-eight years old. I was a father.

If over the years there had been the occasional pretty boy who caught my eye, it’d been at a subconscious level I didn’t acknowledge. My brother was the gay one, the sassy femboy and drag queen. I was the straight one. That was how it had always been.

I didn’t know, at this late date, if that could change.


Still radio silence, huh? You know, you’re just confirming the rumors.

The door at the back of the waiting room opened and a nurse waved me over. I got up, sending Kev a quick reply as I crossed the room.


Sorry, bro, dad’s finally ready. Talk when you’re back in town?

I didn’t check my phone again until I’d settled my groggy father into the passenger seat and prepared to head back to Granville and the meetings I’d abandoned Tucker to lead without me this morning.


Fine! I see how it is. But mark my words, we are TALKING when I get back to town on Monday. No more avoidance!



It was pouringrain when I parked outside Hunter’s house and grabbed the canvas bag I packed full of casserole-making supplies. My umbrella was not among my things. With a groan of frustration, I realized I’d left it dripping into my kitchen sink when I’d returned home after joining Mookie in a wet, chilly turn around the yard before packing up supplies to head over for my date night with Hunter.

Date night with Hunter.

It was still so surreal. Even if I should tack on the word fake.

We’d decided we should spend at least one evening together over the weekend to keep up the appearance we were dating, and it had seemed like the perfect time to break in his stove, which had been delivered and installed a few days ago.

It would also give me something to focus on other than the fantasies that had run rampant through my mind—more intense than usual since the kiss—or the memories of breaking in that DILF dildo, which surely everyone in town would know I’d purchased, since I’d stupidly announced it instead of ordering in secret as everyone else did. But how was I to know sex-toy party etiquette? I’d ordered all my other toys off the Internet like any normal person would.

At least they’d all thought it was a fun surprise for my boyfriend and not a desperate man’s attempt to fulfill his needs with silicone and imagination.

Hunter charged out his front door with an umbrella and met me halfway up the walk to offer shelter. It was a bit too late. My coat had shielded me some, but it wasn’t entirely waterproof, and my hair was soaked and dripping into my collar because I did not have a hood.

“Christ, you’re drenched,” he said, tugging me close regardless. “This weather is brutal.”

“S-sorry,” I said, teeth chattering from the cold that was all the more biting now that I was wet. “Forgot my umbrella.”

“Next time call me and I’ll meet you at the car.”

Once inside, I dripped onto the hardwood exposed by carpet that Hunter had torn out. The floors were scuffed and scratched, but they looked a lot better than the old threadbare carpeting that had been in place.

Hunter closed the umbrella and propped it next to the door, then took my bag from me. “Take off your coat. I’ll grab you a towel.”

“Sorry for the mess. I’ll mop up.”

Hunter just shook his head. “Should be easy enough with hardwood. I’ll toss an extra towel down to soak it up.”

I stripped off my coat, and Hunter returned with two towels. I used one on my hair while he tossed the other to the floor.
