Page 44 of Ruthless Betrayal

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He turns and melts into the crowd before I can even begin the outraged sputter that comes out of my mouth. “My leash? What the actual hell, Rio?Thatis Martelli? He’s the rudest motherfu—”

“Silence, Bianca.”

I blink at the viciousness of his tone and look up into a set of furious dark eyes.

“Remember where we are. Do not antagonize our host. He will likely seek you out later, and when he does, youmustbe subservient. He will push you, looking for weakness, but do not respond with anger. He will be looking at you to find a chink inmyarmor, and we cannot let him find one.”

“He has no authority over me. No one does.”

“No one?”

“Well.” I release a sound almost like a growl at the unjust nature of this situation. “Youdo. I guess.”

“You…guess? Hmm. We will need to remedy that uncertainty later. In the bedroom, perhaps. I believe it is time to remind you, little bird, who is in control.”

The fury in his expression has already faded, and now it is replaced by something else. Desire? Yes, I read that clearly in the depths of those dark eyes. But just before he takes me by the arm and pulls me farther into the crowd, I’m sure I also see a flash of approval.

* * *

Rio spendsmuch of the evening circulating and conducting quiet, intense discussions that seem to revolve around business. I stand near him, catching bits and pieces of conversation, but the music, laughter, and the crowd’s voices serve as an effective screen masking what he’s saying. In the end, I give up trying to follow him and start people-watching instead.

A man who looks familiar soon catches my eye. Rio’s brother Nikolas. I’ve only met him once or twice, around the time of our wedding, but like everyone in Rio’s family, his charismatic presence is memorable.

When I smile a polite greeting, he makes a beeline for my side.

“How is my favorite sister-in-law?” he asks, taking me by both of my elbows and leaning in to kiss my cheeks, first one side then the other.

He is so different in manner to Rio, less rigid, and with an edge of humor softening his face and his actions.

I snort at his question and shake my head. “Unless your younger brother, Luca, got married without Rio’s knowledge, I think I may be your only sister-in-law.”

“Ah, but even if I had ten brothers, all married, you would still be my favorite.”

I can’t help the laugh that pops out. “Would I just?Despitethe fact that I tried to run, or because of it, Nikolas?”

I am genuinely curious about what the rest of the family thinks of my escape and subsequent recapture. Rio has made it clear my flight was considered a betrayal of the worst kind, but other than Angel this morning, I haven’t seen anyone except goons, medical personnel, and estate staff, so there’s been no one other than Rio to gauge family reaction.

He laughs too, a short chuckle that disappears almost as fast as it arrived. “Nicky, please. Never Nikolas. That’s far too formal.” He pauses to study me before adding in a suddenly serious tone, “Anddespiteit, Bianca, not because of it. I might sometimes seem like a lightweight fool when compared to Rio, but I love my brother, and I am loyal to him. I would never condone a betrayal of our family.”

A chill unexpectedly runs across my skin, causing tiny goose bumps to rise up on my arms.

“Nicky.” I nod to confirm that I’ll use the name he wishes. “What would you do if I betrayed Rio again? Not that I’m planning it, but just asking out of curiosity.”

His eyes flash, and a rigidity descends across his expression. For a moment, he looks exactly like his older brother. Violent. Implacable.Dangerous. “It is my belief that Rio is incapable of harming you, Bianca. He loves you too much, and that concept is new to him. Loving someone simplybecause, and not for family or obligation.”

“Simply because?”

“Yes. You are opposites in every way, and yet somehow, you both seem to fit together. No one expected it, I have to admit.”

I look across at my husband, still embroiled in a discussion several feet away. We fit together? I like that idea, a lot, even though deep down, a large part of me doesn’t believe it to be true.

Then Nicky continues speaking in a conversational tone, and my attention whips back to him when he says, “So, it would fall on my shoulders to kill you, dear sister-in-law, should you step out of line again.”

My lips part, and suddenly, I find it hard to swallow.

“Don’t make me do that.” Between one blink and the next, the violent edge disappears from his features and joviality is back. “I like you. I like your feisty spirit, and I like the fact that your presence makes my brother happier than I’ve ever seen him.” He gives me a pseudo-friendly pat on my bare shoulder, and I shiver beneath the touch even though his fingers are warm.

A death threat from a member of my new “family.”
