Page 45 of Ruthless Betrayal

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“I will never take you for a fool, Nicky,” I finally manage. “Or lightweight.”

“Good. Then I think we’re going to get along famously. Would you like to dance?”

I shoot another glance at Rio, willing him to look my way. I don’t want to dance with Nicky. He just threatened to kill me. As if he senses my distress, Rio looks up from his conversation, frowns when he sees who is standing with me, and murmurs something to his companion before striding over.

“Nicky. I did not expect to see you here. What do you want?” Rio’s tone is flat, and his gaze darts between his brother and me as if trying to guess the nature of our conversation.

“I am simply having a friendly chat with your lovely wife.”

I step closer to Rio and tuck myself in beneath his arm. The irony of seeking comfort and protection from Rio is not lost on me. Nor on Nicky, it seems, whose eyes spark with obvious humor.

Rio’s arm automatically comes around me. I open my mouth to ask him to dance with me so Nicky can’t, but the latter steps back and gives a smile and nod that looks to all the world like a normal, friendly, leave-taking.

“Until next time, brother. And new sister.” He waggles his fingers and then disappears into the crowd.

It is some time before my heart rate returns to a more normal pace.

And I can’t help but wonder if this family I’ve joined will actually end up being the death of me. Literally.


“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.”

Helen Keller


As the evening wears on,my breasts begin to ache and, with Rio’s permission, I take my leave directly after the speeches. He spears me with an unreadable look, but allows me to leave his side so I can find a member of the host’s security detail and let them know my needs. I was told on the way here that a private space to pump milk had already been discussed and arranged—no doubt by the capable and efficient Dana.

It's several minutes before I figure out what that look of Rio’s likely meant. He was probably remembering the last time we were at a fancy event like this. I disappeared to the bathroom during a gala fundraiser in Boston, and that’s where I met Felicity from the Feds.

Not that I planned that meeting, but Rio must be wondering if something similar may occur tonight. I hope it doesn’t. I’m beginning to enjoy my newfound freedom, and I don’t want to be sent back to that dungeon prison. No matter how luxurious it is.

And I most certainly don’t want to risk being killed by my brother-in-law.

After chatting into his earpiece and mic and ascertaining where to take me, Martelli’s security guy leads me down a long hallway to a small sitting room. While I stand in the doorway, the guy checks the room, making certain it is empty and that the curtained windows are properly locked, and then he beckons me in.

I frown when he takes a stance near one of the settees, and I indicate the equipment waiting on the low coffee table. “I’m about to bare my breasts and pump milk with this thing. I don’t think my husband, Rio, would like anyone other than him looking at certain parts of my body. Do you?”

“Rio, ma’am? You’re…Mrs.Agosti?”

I smile sweetly at his discomfort. “I am. And Rio is very jealous, as everyone knows. But I guess you can stay here if you wish, though I can’t guarantee what my husband’s reaction will be if he finds out…”

He shuffles his feet, glancing at my decolletage then quickly away. “I’ll be directly outside the door, ma’am. If you call out, I will be in within seconds.”

“That sounds good. Thank you.” Maybe I’m better at game playing than I thought.

He rushes outside and closes the door behind him, and I sink back onto the brown leather settee with a sigh of relief. The weeks in the underground suite were lonely, but I was never really one for partying or nightlife. A good book was always more enticing to me than a nightclub.

I sigh again, enjoying the almost-silence of the room. I can still hear muted sounds floating down the hall from the ballroom, but now they offer a pleasant background noise rather than an unpleasant cacophony.

I’m not too concerned about whatever is going on outside the windows. There are heavy drapes blocking the view, and if Gianni Martelli’s outfit is anything like Rio’s, the gardens will be swarming with security. Danelli will be out there too somewhere. I am likely as safe in here as I am out there on the dance floor.

I busy myself attaching the pump and let it do its thing, taking the time to think about everything and everyone I’ve met tonight.

My thoughts drift toward Nicky and then quickly skirt away. For better or worse, he’s my brother-in-law, and I will have to get used to his presence.

I consider our host, Martelli. It’s pretty obvious that he dislikes Rio. It couldn’t be jealousy, though, as they seem to be considered equals in their way. Does he see Rio as a threat to his power base?IsRio a threat? My husband loves Boston, and I can’t see him wanting to expand his operations all the way here to Washington.
