Page 156 of Empress of Fae

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She nodded, not a hint of fear in her face. “I have no doubt of that. Arthur shall not touch a hair on my child’s head.”

Following an impulse, I moved towards her and embraced her swiftly.

“Soft-hearted Morgan,” she whispered.

“I’ll see you soon,” I said.



In the heart of spring, a child shall rise,

From royal blood, a king's demise.

Born of sister, born that day,

Kings shall fall in disarray.

When springtime blooms, the babe is blessed,

Born of kin from the king's own nest,

A sister's child, the kingdom shakes,

The death of kings, the birth awaits.

Born of power in endless night,

To cast down realms, a dark birthright.

Both fae and mortals, their thrones shall swirl,

In the child's hands, lies the end of the world.
