Page 30 of Empress of Fae

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“I am.”

Her eyes narrowed. “And I...”

“You’re remaining. You’ll continue to convalesce as you rule the empire just as the decree said, if you’d waited to hear it read. I’ve appointed you the new Regent. You may thank me at your leisure.”

“You’ve... what. I don’t fucking think so.”

“You don’t need to think about it at all. It’s not a request, Lyrastra. It’s a command. I’m not asking.”

I’d known she would be reluctant. That she’d do her best to refuse. I was prepared for that.

Her face flushed. “You knew I’d throw you out, so you came in with that... that mummer’s farce!”

“I knew you’d try. I figured I’d give you a few people you could throw out. And one you couldn’t.”

Slowly, she moved her hand to the empty sleeve of her robe and shook the place where her arm should be. “I’m hardly fit. Ask someone else.”

“Last I checked, one didn’t need two arms to do the job of regent. One didn’t even require half a brain. Just ask Sephone.”

“How can I ask her? I understand you’ve had her summarily executed.”

“I won’t apologize for that. She tried to assassinate me. I’m sure you’ll hardly be surprised. Hawl and Odessa were with me. Swift action was required, and we took it.”

Well, Hawl took it, and I suspected they’d also have enjoyed taking all of the credit. But I didn’t particularly want it to get out that the only Bearkin in the court had killed the former regent. Siabra could be very vindictive, and Hawl was already not especially popular. Not that they cared.

“Smart,” Lyrastra said, lifting her chin. “Brutal but fair. Very Siabra. Wasn’t sure you still had it in you. She didn’t deserve better. And here I was, worried you’d coddle her and cater to her until she’d have you wrapped around her finger and regained her freedom again.”

I coughed. “You’re probably right. It was better this way.”

When Morgan did finally return, she wouldn’t have to worry about Sephone ever again.

One less person trying to harm my mate.

“But the answer is no, of course. I won’t be your regent,” Lyrastra said, sighing and turning her head away again. “Ask someone else. Ask Odessa. Ask Rychel. Oh, wait, you can’t. She left you, too.”

I grimaced. Lyrastra was being more brutal than usual, but I supposed I had it coming. “She certainly did. Another reason I must go. But you’ve misunderstood if you continue to perceive this as a request. Perhaps you should consider Sephone’s demise more carefully. Youarethe regent. The herald’s announcement is going out to the rest of the court at this very moment while you and I speak in this room.”

That got her attention. Her sleek, black head whipped around to face me, wrathful once more.

“Don’t make me threaten to have you executed, Sister,” I said. “The court would enjoy that too much. Simply take the position and recognize it for what it is.”

“Oh?” The green in her eyes blazed. “And what’s that?”

“An honor,” I said simply. “There are few I would trust on the Killing Throne.”

“What if the power goes to my head? What if you come back to a sea of blood?”

“I’m sure you won’t do any real damage. If there are a few executions here and there...” I shrugged. “Well, I’m sure they’ll have had it coming.”

Her lips twitched.

“I understand Laverna came to visit you.”

Lyrastra’s lips became a hard line.

“And you turned her away,” I continued. “Why?”

The serpentine eyes flickered closed. She was shutting me out.
