Page 5 of Steadfast Alpha

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“Sounds serious. Let’s go sit down.”

We took our morning treats and coffee to the living room and sat on the couches. My parents’ house was always so cozy. Abe was a bear shifter and always had our den loving and warm. “Have you guys ever heard of the Bearclaw Inn?”

Bryan shrugged and so did Abe. “Is that somewhere we stayed for a meet?”

“No. Here. Read it.” I pulled the invitation from my pocket and handed it to them. They were sitting so close together they read it at the same time.

Abe gasped. “I’ve heard of this place. This guy, Franklin, is a matchmaker.”

“How did you find out?” I asked.

“In baking class I teach at the community center, there’s a student named Craig who met his mate there. Said Franklin is a widower and matches people up so they can find love like he did. I don’t know the whole story, but Craig and his omega are really happy and are expecting twins in a few months.”

“Are you going to go?” Bryan asked, holding up the letter. “I know your training didn’t leave a lot of time for dating, but are you looking for an alpha, Son?”

I shrugged. Trying to hide the truth from these two was like trying to sneak in the window while they were standing inside, waiting. “I do. My rabbit is longing for a mate. But I don’t want it to be a case of me trying to find a mate because I’m bored or I don’t know what I want to do with my life.”

“When you were still focused on swimming, did you want a mate?” Bryan asked.

“Of course, Dad. I didn’t have time for one.”

Abe took my other dad’s hand in his. “A mate is a lifelong commitment. Your alpha has to be your priority, and you will be his. I don’t think you take that lightly. You never have taken anything lightly. Always been gung ho on anything you put your mind to.”

“I want a mate. I want a family. I…I want something other than myself to live for.”

Abe slapped his hands on his thighs. “Then that settles it. We need to go shopping.”

“Shopping, Dad? I tell you I want a mate, and you want to go shopping?”

Bryan stood. “Shep, all you have is workout clothes, lounge clothes, and maybe some suits for the press. Let your father take you shopping. You’re going to meet your mate.”

I’d done a ton of workouts, but nothing compared to the exhaustion I felt after shopping with my dad Abe. When we were done, I slumped onto my couch, surrounded by bags.

I had one thing to do.

Book my ticket.

I had to admit, after the talk with my dads and thinking over it some more, I was more than excited to buy a ticket and meet my mate despite the chatter of that little naysayer in my head.

“So you’re doing it?” Jenson asked, looking over my shoulder. Nosey little brother if there ever was one.

“I’m doing it. Why not, right? Don’t you have some running to do or stretching? Something other than minding my business?” It was all in fun, the way we spoke to each other.

“Not really. First class or regular?”

“I’m going to meet my mate,” I said, hovering the mouse pointer over the buttons to book the seat.

“First class,” we both said together.

And then I saw the price.

“Nope. Regular. Normal class. Damn. You’re flying to another state, not selling an organ. Jeez.” Jenson wasn’t wrong. He was very careful with his money. More careful than me and that was saying something.

“Okay, alpha. I hope you are as eager as me to meet. I hope so.”

Chapter Five

