Page 105 of Taste Me

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“The patriarchs are here,” I realize aloud.

Of course they are.

Daithiis here. I can sense his magic and his disgusting lust. He wants me.

He wants my power, just like everyone else.

And if he gets into this library, I won’t be able to stop him.

Jewel curses and runs to the shelves. She pushes the books into a pile on the floor and places her hands on them.

They begin to melt, then change into raw energy.

“I thought they were after me, but they’re really after you,” she tells me, her eyes glowing with manifestation power. It’sincredibleand unlike anything I’ve ever seen. “Let your mates bring you back. I’ll buy you time.”

“But what about you?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “I’m trapped here until the bloodline who bound me is destroyed. Not just dead, but their magic gone forever. I… I don’t know why I can’t just dismantle his spirit. My powers don’t always work as they should, especially on men.”

Don’t I know it.

“I can relate,” I grumble. Although, I’ve made progress on that front.

Maybe my lessons are something Jewel can learn to move past whatever block she has. Manifestation spirits are powerful, but the magic can be finicky because it’s based on belief.

If she doesn’t believe in herself, she might fail. And the one thing that can’t be manifested is courage.

Courage has to be learned.

Something I’m very well acquainted with as well.

Jewel sends some of the energy into me and the pain in my chest lifts. My mates have already dismantled part of the curse through the power in their blood, but Jewel finishes the job.

Then she readies the rest of the glowing energy to fortify the library walls. “Go,” she tells me.

My vision wavers and my spirit shimmers.

“I’ll find a way to end him,” I promise her. It was already my goal, but now I have a new drive to make sure he’s gone. Not just for me, but for all the women he threatens.

It won’t end with me.

The power glittering in Jewel’s eyes hides the hint of sadness. She doesn’t believe me. “I hope you do,” she says.

She makes a flourish with her fingers, then a new symbol appears on my wrist. “It’ll protect you and link us together,” she says by way of explanation.

And then my world goes black.



Iwake to the sensation of being watched.

And mind-blowing pain radiating down the left side of my neck and shoulder.


My eyelids are so heavy that lifting them proves a challenge. I manage it after a few attempts, only to find Jasper’s beautiful face taking up my view.
