Page 120 of Taste Me

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Spirits, is this my life now?

My body is very much not ready for another experience like the one they gave me, but I can’t deny that everything has changed.

I’m complete.

Issy?Fallon’s voice trickles into my mind, and I realize I’ve finally let my walls down.

Once again, it wasn’t intentional to reach out to my twin, but it’s a good time to talk to her.

Hey,I say in response.

Whoa,she replies.You sound… Did you just have sex? Like, real fated-mate sex?

A blush rushes up my chest and over my cheeks. Jasper keeps his eyes closed, but Zy whispers in my ear. “Tell her you had nasty vampire sex.”

My heart skips a beat.

Can they hear her, too?

Issy?Fallon presses, likely waiting for a response.

Sorry. Um, no. Yes?

No, yes?she repeats.

Zy playfully growls. “Nasty vampire sex in all your holes,” he adds. “Well, we did miss one. Maybe we can remedy that in a few hours.”

I sigh, choosing to ignore him.I mean yes. It’s distracting now that my mates can hear you in my head.

She goes quiet for a moment, then speaks again.

That’s strange. My mates can’t hear us when we talk.

Her voice has gone tense. She definitely doesn’t like this development.

I snuggle against Zy’s chest. “Can you try… not to listen?” I ask him. “I’m able to put a wall around my mind. Just envision that and see if it works.”

He chuckles again. “Sure thing, baby girl. I’ll practice. Tell her to say something.”

I direct my mind back to my sister.Zy’s listening right now. I’m not sure about the other two. I think Jas and Kor fell asleep.Both of them are perfectly still and don’t even seem to be breathing, but I’m growing used to their resting states.But he’s willing to practice the technique of walling us out. That’ll make it where he can’t listen in.

Zy. Jas. Kor? Are those their names?Fallon asks, now with a hint of curiosity.Or is that short for something?

I kick myself that I haven’t told Fallon more about my mates. I’d love nothing more than to gush about them like a teenager with her first crust—going over all the details and everything down to the curl of their long eyelashes.

But I’m not a teenager. I was denied youthful crushes. My parents can’t be entirely blamed for that. When my powers manifested, it was clear that I would forever be alone.

Except, now I’m not. Now I’m in bed with my mates.

My family.

“Did you hear her question?” I ask.

Zy nods. “Going to need more practice, love. I’m only able to mute it, but I’m trying to give you privacy since you asked for it. Just pretend I’m not listening and I’ll distract myself by replaying in my head the sounds you made when we all fucked you.”

Despite myself, a small smile tickles my lips. He’s never had to control his power. His death sight is always switched on, so I believe him when he says he needs practice.

When his chest rumbles with a soft growl, I also believe him that he’s fully distracted by his own thoughts.
