Page 121 of Taste Me

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By memories of us—memories that will likely slip into fantasies of what he’s going to do to me next.

Zyran Justi, I say in my mind, answering my sister’s question before I get too caught up in the idea of fantasies.Kornelius Justi. And Jasper Justi—you met him at the cottage.

I can almost envision Fallon’s piercing green eyes widening with shock. Probably because all their last names are the same.They’re related?

They’re triplets,I clarify, because that’s actually an important point.I met a manifestation spirit, Fallon. She helped create them so that they would be fated for a death witch capable of handling their combined power. So they would findme.

I didn’t add that she had cursed their blood and, by extension, me, so that I would be forced into the death plane.

Fallon is the only witch I know of who can physically walk in the death plane. She’d find Jewel and rip her to shreds.

The spirit hadn’t intended to seek out my help, but rather use me as a medium for her power. Fallon would have been a better choice, but I know why fate chose me and not my sister for the triplets.

It wouldn’t have been a good match. My inner darkness is something I’ve hidden, but Fallon is light and goodness. She’s endured horrible darkness and is finally free of it.

I, on the other hand, am destined to remain in it forever.


So Jewel was stuck with me. I don’t have magic to move in and out of the death plane like Fallon—but I can channel it. I understand how spells work and analyzing problems and mysteries is my forte.

This is something I can fix, if given the time. And after observing me in her library, I was glad to see she had changed her mind about destroying me to manipulate my power.

Instead, she let me go.

Which is exactly why I want to help her. She’s a good person at heart. She’s also a powerful woman caught up in the bullshit of the patriarchs and has been victimized just like the rest of us. With her help, perhaps the patriarchs can finally be dealt with permanently.

Fallon’s quiet for a long time. I realize she’s been talking to one of her mates when she finally answers me.Kaspian says he’s never heard of a manifestation spirit before. But if it can create a hybrid species and manipulate fate bonds before they even happen, it’s dangerous. What does it want with you?

I can tell my sister has gone into battle mode. She’s going to want all the information and then she’ll likely make up her mind in a matter of seconds.

If I can’t convince her that Jewel is on our side, then that’s going to put me in a horrible situation. Fallon is my world, my sister, mytwin. She needs to be able to see my perspective in this, so I’m very careful with my words.

She wants my help,I say.She was a witch trapped in the death plane before she became a manifestation spirit. That’s how it works. It takes an incredible force of sheer will tocreatethe magic that a manifestation spirit requires.

From the ancient texts I remember, it’s the only time a manifestation spirit will create something from nothing.

Even with the creation of the triplets, it wasn’t from nothing. Their mother had found a way to connect with Jewel, providing her wish—and her will—to create the three vampires. Perhaps their mother could have become a manifestation spirit herself, but she chose to give up her chance to createthem.

My heart twisted with the unexpected sorrow that gave me, because it was a sensation I shared.

My mother hadn’t been strong enough to protect me throughout her life, but she did give me her death to help me defeat my father. She gave the ultimate sacrifice for the love of her child.

Are you telling me she’s already dead?Fallon asks.

It’s a legitimate question, but I don’t think Jewel is dead.I said she’s in the death plane,I clarify.She must have become a manifestation spirit before being trapped there, or maybe the process of trapping her there is when it happened. Regardless, she’s made a library in the death plane and that’s where she’s holed up. She is keeping the patriarchs out, but it’s a siege until we help her.

Gods, Issy. That’s how Daithi is doing this, isn’t it? He’s channeling her power.

Daithi had mentioned a fail-safe. I realize that Jewel must have been that safeguard in the event that he died.

Fallon breaking the headstone freed her mind, but her body is still trapped in a place Daithi can control her.

We have to get her out of there,I tell Fallon.Without her, the patriarchs will be weak enough to be dealt with.

It explains so much of their strength, their ability to manipulate my fate bonds, and my power.

The manifestation spirit is linked to me by blood and magic. Jewel is the key for Daithi to control me.
