Page 137 of Taste Me

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As much as I’d enjoy going after our father, Jasper is the one who will get the honors.

I have a greater purpose.

Are you close, baby girl?I ask Issy through our shared mental connection.

I-I think so,she replies.

Good. Only move when I create a distraction.

“Damn it, Zyran!” my father shouts. “Quit being an ungrateful brat!”

“Ungrateful?” I ask with a lilt to my voice, this time sending it toward the fireplace.

A rush of heat tells me embers have been sent everywhere and my father hisses in pain. “When your mother, the most coveted vampire in generations, died giving birth to you three, do you think I wanted you? Three little death-mongers. Fuck no. I spared your lives!”

“How generous,” I retort, sending my voice back toward the splintered wood. “I didn’t know you loved our mother so much.”

My father doesn’t fall for it this time and rushes past me. If I had been a little to the left, he would have found me.

Careful, Zy,Jasper warns.I’m close, but he’s fast.

I know our father is fast. That’s why I’m playing dirty.

“Love?” he says with a cruel chuckle. “No. She was fucking useful. Awhore.I sold her body and made a fucking fortune, and you assholes ruined it.”

I freeze.

Don’t let him goad you,Issy says in my mind.My father was no better. Do you remember what I did to him? Do you remember what I showed you?

The spelled dream memory sweeps through my mind.

Issy had been fearless, powerful, and bold.

When I think of my mother, I don’t feel like any of those things.

A voice tickles the back of my neck. “Gotcha,” Zane says, then slams into me. Pain explodes down my neck as he bites hard enough to snap my collarbone.

“Zy!” Issy screams. Her words are stunted from the damn mute collar that we should never have put on her. Now we’re going to pay the price with our blood.

I don’t have time to fight Zane. The plan hinges on Royce. We may not have his body, but we have the body he’s possessing.

It’s going to have to be enough.

“I got him, Zy!” Jasper shouts as my father growls against my neck, shredding muscle and sinew as I struggle forward.

I can’t get to him with my blades, but that’s okay. Jasper hits him, forcing him to unlatch from my neck long enough for me to lunge forward.

Brace yourself, Kor,I warn. It’s the only heads-up he gets before two blades slam into his chest cavity.

Royce’s spirit roars as he receives the full hit of pain that causes. It won’t kill him, being in a vampire body, but it’ll hurt like fuck.

Now, Issy!I tell my mate, and then I feel her hand on my wrist.

She leans into me and whispers a spell while I reach up and prepare to remove her collar.

She leans into Kor next, presumably licking the blood from his chest, and that’s my moment.

Now, Zy,she tells me, still maintaining that confident, bold tone that she had when she killed her own father.
