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His question caught me off guard. “Husband?” Nervous laughter bubbled up from my throat. “I have no husband.” At least, I didn’t think I did.

“Lover, then?” His tone changed, his easy demeanor shifting to something else, something almost feral.

I didn’t know why, but his stare suddenly made me uncomfortable. I wrapped my arms around my rabbit, pulling him closer to me. “No, none that I know of.”

He leaned toward me, his knees grazing mine. “How would you not know?”

Unease snaked down my spine as I scooted back. “A mind spinner erased my memories.”

“A mind spinner?” He scooted closer. “Why?”

I pulled my knees in tighter, needing to distance myself from his touch. “I don’t know. I only just found out he faked my death and took me from my family while pretending to be my father.”

“Where will you go in Caldaria?”

“I’m not sure yet. I just need to get out of the human lands.” Feeling the urge to get away from him, too, I looked over my shoulder. I was pressed against a thick slab of rock. I swore when Demon climbed up my torso and hopped off my shoulder onto the rock. Now there were no barriers between me and the strange, handsome Fae.

“We’re not going to leave you in the middle of a foreign country.”

My gaze shot to his, and I was struck by how glazed his eyes were, his lids heavy. Hadn’t he gotten enough sleep? “I don’t want to be a bother.”

“You brought me back from the dead.” He chuckled, some of that easy manner returning. “You can bother us all you want.”

“Where will you bring me?” And did I trust him enough to travel with him?

“I know a safe place far from Delfi’s and Caldaria’s borders,” he said too casually, a direct contrast to the tension radiating off his skin and the shift in the very air I breathed. “It’s about two weeks’ flight from here.”

“Two weeks? I don’t want to impose on you.” And I certainly didn’t want to be alone with him that long.

“You won’t be imposing. Besides, I can think of worse ways to spend my time than in the company of a beautiful witch,” he said with a wink.

I laughed at his comment, though it made me more uncomfortable, for that spark in his eyes had turned to flame.

“Why do you find humor in my words?” He splayed a hand across his heart, a wounded look in his eyes. “I speak the truth.”

I repressed the urge to wrap my arms around myself, not wanting him to see just how uncomfortable he made me. “So, whereas Radnor is all thorns and venom, you’re honey and wine?”

He rested his hand on his crotch. “I can assure you, Anya, I taste far better than honey or wine.”

I gaped at him a long moment, disgust rippling up my spine. “It’s late. We both need rest if we’re to have strength for the trip tomorrow.”

“You don’t need to worry about my stamina.” He pulled his hand away from his crotch, from that massive bulge pressing against his leather trousers. “I can go all night long.”

I swear I vomited a little in my mouth. “You’re a pig.”

“Relax, Anya.” He leaned back on his palms, his mouth hitched in a cocky smirk. “It was just a little harmless flirting.”

I jumped to my feet, glaring down at him, understanding more and more why someone would want to set him aflame. “Goodnight, Helian.”

“It’s drafty out here.” He had the nerve to flex his hips, that bulge in his leathers jutting toward me like a spear. “You need someone to warm your furs.”

“No, I don’t.” I was about to snatch up Demon and stomp away, but I gasped when my familiar dug his claws into my calf. “Demon, what are you doing?” I pulled him off me as he humped the air, his puffy little tail twitching, a glazed look in his eyes, green goo dripping off his mouth.Fuck.

“As alluring as you are, can you blame him?”

My gaze shot to the Fae as he stood, looking at me with that same glazed look while flexing his hips and humping the air.

