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“How did I survive?”

My chest flushed with heat at the way he stared at me so intently, as if he could see into my heart, my soul. “I healed you.”

“I remember now,” he said with a note of awe. “He burned me alive—a fire mage. He attacked us in the sky.”

If Malvolia sent one of her fire mages deep into human territory, Radnor and his rider must’ve seriously angered the queen. “What did you do to piss off Malvolia?”

“A better question would be what didn’t I do?” he said with a wink, his sensual chuckle like warm honey dripping all over my senses. He leaned into me, licking those full, kissable lips. “How lucky I am that Radnor found a green witch.”

I gave a start when Demon jumped into my lap, and I berated myself for forgetting about him. “I foundhimwhen I was being chased by a berchta,” I said while absently scratching my rabbit’s soft ears.

“A berchta?” He tilted his head toward Demon, and then he rubbed the rabbit’s forehead. “That’s no fun.”

Demon lowered his head and closed his eyes, softly grinding his teeth in delight.

“No, I wouldn’t advise it.”

I didn’t know if I was more shocked that this Fae was petting my bunny or that Demon was letting him. Even though green witches were known for keeping various animals as familiars, I’d gotten no small share of rude comments from others about skinning and eating my best friend. And here was this Fae, petting him as if it was the most natural thing in the world. His bare, hard chest and those thick, muscular arms were such a sharp contrast to Demon’s soft, fluffy body. I could’ve watched him pet my bunny all day.

Or maybe you want him to pet something else.

I berated myself for my wicked thought as I had to work hard to keep from gawking.

He arched a sculpted, black brow. “I presume Radnor ate her in exchange for you healing me?”

Her? Oh, yes. We were talking about the berchta. “Something like that.” I momentarily got lost in the pools of eyes that shone like diamonds while I absently petted my familiar. When his fingers grazed mine, a spark flew between us, and I snapped out of my trance, pulling my hand away.

“Is she who injured your face?”

My hand flew to my cheek, to the worst of the throbbing there. I’d put herbs on my cuts, but one scratch still particularly pained me. Embarrassment flushed my face. I probably looked hideous. “I cut my face on tree limbs running from the berchta.”

“And your healing magic doesn’t work on your own wounds?”

I shook my head. “Just on others.”

Thankfully, he didn’t show any signs of repulsion as he continued to pet Demon with a surprisingly straight face. “We were over the Werewood Forest when we were attacked. What were you doing there?”

I shrugged. “Long story.”

“What’s your name?”

His smile was as bright as the sun peeking from behind the clouds on a bleak winter’s day.

“Anya,” I said a little too breathlessly. I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t stop staring at his full mouth, wondering what it would feel like if his lips were pressed against mine.

“Nice to meet you, Anya. I’m Helian.”

I stared at his outstretched hand for a few moments, my body refusing to catch up with my brain. “Helian,” I finally said, taking his warm hand, that spark between us once more turning my veins to molten lava. “You have better manners than your dragon.”

“Trolls have better manners than dragons.” He chuckled, still holding my hand in a firm grip. “I’m sorry if he mistreated you.”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” I said, instantly missing his touch when he released me. “Will you be ready to fly tomorrow?”

“I think so, thanks to your excellent care. Will you be joining us?”

I wanted to melt in a pool of lust when he smiled, his eyes dazzling as if they held the moon and all the stars. “Yes. Radnor is flying me to Caldaria.”

“Caldaria? Is that where your husband lives?”
