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He crossed over to her, taking a loose strand of her wet hair between his fingers. “You’re still my mate.”

She swallowed hard at the way he stared at her, the strong scent of his lust wafting off him, and the heat that radiated from his skin like he was her personal hearth.

“Tigress isn’t,” she rasped, barely choking out the words. Something about his scent was driving her wild: brine, and sulfur, and an unnamed spice. How badly she wanted him to take her in his arms and make love to her on a soft bed of grass, but there was no grass here, only a hard crystal floor that would probably chafe her ass.

His eyes crinkled with amusement as he stepped back and released her hair. “I don’t care what she thinks.”

Ignoring the sparks firing between them, she jutted hands on her hips. “I do.”

He motioned to the empty cavern. “She’s not here.”

Her breath hitched when she caught a familiar feline scent in the distance. “She will be.”

He growled at that, his nostrils flaring. “She’s not welcome here.”

She threw up her hands. “Gorgo took her mates, too. We need all the allies we can find in this place.” She clasped her hands in a prayer pose, resenting him for making her beg. “Please, put on the shorts.”

He waved the shorts in a gesture of surrender. “I’m going to rip these the first time I shift.”

She crossed her arms. “They stretch.”

He slipped into the shorts. “You realize how ridiculous I look?”

She had to hide a smile as she looked at those shorts straining against his hips, that large protrusion between his legs looking like an elephant trunk in a hammock. “But you look so sexy in tight shorts.”

A dark growl rose up from his chest as he stalked her with eyes that flared red. “I look better wearing your mouth.” He moved close enough that they were standing toe-to-toe, the scent of his masculine heat muddling her brain. Lips parted, she swayed into him, entranced by his scent and his full, kissable mouth.

He dug his fingers into her shoulders, a desperation in his eyes. “Why do you fight me?” His breath was a warm caress in her ear. “I can smell your heat, Bennu, and I know exactly how to sate you.”

Her knees nearly buckled beneath her. She pressed a palm against his bare chest to steady herself. A mistake, for his skin practically seared into hers, the jolt from the sensation liquifying her insides. “I need to get to know you first.”

“You know me. Just look into your heart.” He pressed her hand against his pounding heart. “Or look into mine and see how much I love you.”

Oh, this wolf. How could he break down her defenses so easily, slicing through that wall she’d built around herself like a knife through soft butter?

He dragged rough knuckles down her cheek, causing a soft moan to escape from her lips and that sensitive spot at the apex of her thighs to thrum like a heartbeat. “Your virginity is a liability here.”

“I know,” she whispered, unable to look into his eyes for fear she’d lose herself.

He cupped her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes, rich dark pools with swirls of gold and silver. “Do I have to beg you, Bennu?”

She forced herself to break free of her captor’s trance. “Phoenix.”

“Phoenix.” A whisper of a smile played on his lips. “Do I have to beg?”

“Won’t your brothers be mad when they find out?”

He gave her a quizzical look. “Why would they be mad?”

“Because the alphas have to go first.”

He looked at her as if she’d sprouted a dick on her forehead. “No, they don’t.”

Weird. “They do in Amaroki culture.”

“Amaroki?” he asked. “The mortal wolves?”

She nodded.
