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Luc handed her foot over to Rone and jumped to his feet. He shifted into a wolf and disappeared through the tent flaps.

Amara had the sudden realization that they would have to leave Luc again. The thought was like a mallet to the heart. She sat halfway up, resting on her elbows. “Is Luc coming with us?”

Hakon shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

She sat all the way up and pulled her knees to her chest, depression a heavy black fog that shrouded her heart. After everything they’d been through, she couldn’t imagine returning home without Luc. “I don’t want to leave him.”

Luc returned to the tent and shifted into a naked human. He sat on top of the blankets and scratched his smooth chin. “Not your helicopter, but it will be here shortly.” When Hakon gave him a strange look, Luc added. “We’re shipping off the Russians’ phones and computers to the intelligence division.”

Hakon winced, Drasko swore, and Rone tensed.

“What do you think they know about us?” Hakon asked.

“Based on their actions,” Luc said, “I suspect they believe we’re trained wolves, not shifters, but hopefully intelligence will have more answers.”

Amara sucked in a sharp breath. Either way, she didn’t think it would bode well for Luc and the other betas.

“Luc,” she asked, twisting her fingers in her lap, “will you come home with us?” She didn’t know why she felt hesitant to ask. He was her mate. After what they went through, she needed him more than the Army did.

He gave her a pitying look that made her head pound with ire. “I’m needed here in case more Russians come.”

“They have other trackers,” she blurted, not bothering to hide the bite in her tone.

Luc tapped his nose, his eyes shifting to feral slits. “That can’t scent as well as I can.”

“They can scent well enough,” Drasko grumbled.

To Amara’s relief, Hakon and Rone voiced their agreement.

Dragging a hand through his cropped hair, Luc let out a groan. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

As soon as I can?What kind of answer was that? Why wasn’t he prioritizing his pack after what they went through?

When he jumped to his feet and headed for the exit, Amara called out, “Luc, where are you going?”

“To find out what’s taking that helicopter so long,” Luc said through a sigh.

Great. He was anxious to get rid of them. Amara ground her teeth in frustration.

Hakon wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple.He’s just doing his job.

She bristled.What about his job as my mate?

He thinks keeping Russian spies off our soil is doing his job as your mate,he answered.

Amara felt a momentary stab of guilt.I understand his job is important, but he gives the Army more of himself than any other tracker.

He has to, Amara.Hakon pulled her into his arms and laid down with her in the blankets.They look to him as a leader, as they should. One day we will take our fathers’ places as tribal chieftains.

You’re right.She snuggled against his chest.I just thought this time would be different after all that’s happened.

Rone and Drasko laid back down beside them, and though she was tired, falling asleep proved difficult as she listened for the sound of the next helicopter. She worried about flying again. What if it crashed? What if this time she and her mates didn’t escape? Then she remembered the child she carried was a seer. Perhaps she should sleep. He’d tell her if there was more danger.

She’d barely drifted off to sleep when strong hands shook her awake.

Luc knelt in front of her, his eyes two glowing, feral slits. “Amara, it’s time.”

She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes while Hakon, Drasko, and Rone did the same.
