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Hakon shook his head. “You led the Russians away.”

Drasko threw up his hands in frustration. “Not all of them.”

Luc gave him a stern look. “They would’ve filled the cabin full of bullet holes and you’d both be dead if you hadn’t distracted them.”

Drasko swallowed back his emotion as he looked into Luc’s unflinching eyes.

“Luc’s right, son,” Tor said. “You had no good options, but you chose the best one.”

Drasko released a shaky breath as he imagined the Russians attacking or even bombing their cabin. They probably had the weapons to do it. He wouldn’t have been able to shield Amara and fight their enemies.

“Let it go, brother. Because of you our mate is alive.” Luc clasped both of his shoulders, his eyes glossing over as he locked gazes with Drasko. “My unborn son is alive.”

Drasko released a pent-up breath when he and Luc pressed their foreheads together. “Thank you, brother.”

Luc was right.

Skoll slapped Drasko hard on the back. “Let’s go inside. I’m hungry and Arvid made moose burgers.”

Drasko’s stomach took that moment to growl. He eagerly licked his lips. “Moose burgers!” His nostrils flared as the smell of roasting meat wafted from their cabin. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

His brothers clasped his shoulders, and together they followed their fathers into the house. He grimaced when he noticed all the pictures had been stripped from the walls. No doubt, Alexi was the cause for the remodel. He wasn’t surprised to find Amara on the sofa nursing Alexi. So much for weaning him off her breast. She stroked his thick tufts of hair while he slurped on her like she was his personal dairy cow.

Hrod stood behind her, clinging to her neck. She twisted around and kissed his cheek. “Mommy missed you so much.”

He held her tighter, burying his face against her hair. And to think, one day they’d be mighty protectors able to rip trees from the ground and battle polar bears. But for now, they were mommy’s boys, and Drasko was perfectly okay with that.

Drasko lowered himself onto a barstool, thanking Rone when he handed him a beer. But then he set the bottle in front of the stool beside him. “Sit down and have a drink with me, brother,” he said to Rone. “You deserve a break.”

Arvid elbowed Rone. “He’s right. I’ve got this. You sit down.”

“Thanks, brother.” Rone sat beside Drasko and took a long swig of beer. He had dark shadows beneath his eyes. Rone looked like Drasko felt. He could probably sleep for the next week.

Drasko thanked Arvid when he handed him another beer. He took a long draught, the cool beverage soothing his parched throat.

Luc grabbed two beers from Arvid, handing one to Hakon, and they sat in the stools beside Rone.

“Alexi nearly shook the house down while you were gone,” Annie said casually before stealing a fry from the platter that Arvid was trying to guard while also flipping burgers. “So what happened to you guys out there?”

Drasko looked to Tor, whose features were as hard as a block of granite. Didn’t she know?

“Annie,” Tor scolded, “can’t you tell they don’t want to talk about it?”

Annie and Tatiana shared confused looks. “Oh,” they said in unison.

They don’t know about the Russians.Luc’s voice echoed in his skull, the familiar reverberating ring indicating that he was speaking to the entire pack.And we tell no one for now. We don’t want the tribes to panic.

When do we tell them?Hakon asked.

Luc’s features tightened.After intelligence finds out what they know.

And if they know too much?Drasko asked Luc, continuing to speak through thought so Annie and Tatiana couldn’t hear them.

Then we come up with a plan,Luc answered.

Hakon sat beside Amara and settled Hrod on his lap.What plan?

Depending on how much they know,Luc said with a grimace,anything from monitoring them to relocating the Romanian tribe.
