Page 57 of Just Best Friends

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“I’m an eligible guy, ready to meet the future Mrs. Clark. Isn’t that why you’re here?”

“To be the future Mrs. Clark? You’re ridiculous,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. “But shouldn’t this be the other way around? Shouldn’t you be wooing me?”

She unclasped her hands, grabbing the edge of my sheet of paper. “Doesn’t look like you’ve taken many notes. How many of these names are you going to circle?”

“So far, only one.”

A hint of a blush crossed her cheeks. “You haven’t even asked me anything about myself.”

“Alright,” I nodded. “Why did we come here, Thea?”

Her smile faltered and her voice dropped. “Because we’re both single. Because it seemed like something fun to do.”

“Are you?” I asked. “Having fun?”

She shrugged. “The tapas were pretty good.”

“I’ll bring you back here, then. Just the two of us.”

“A date?”

“Yeah. We can go to a movie, get dinner, and have drinks.” The teasing in my voice fell away as her blush grew, working its way down her cheeks and onto her chest. “Or just say you’ll come back to my place tonight and we’ll work out the details tomorrow.”

“That’s awfully presumptuous.”

“Well, just think it over,” I said, pulling a pen from my pocket and circling Thea’s name on my sheet.



The woman opposite Ben smiled.Again. She looked like his type: blonde, tiny, bright blue eyes. I didn’t recognize her, which rattled me. But what rattled me more was how comfortable her and Ben seemed together.

“Meet anyone nice?” Warren asked as he sat on the stool next to me holding a Manhattan.

I exhaled and turned away from Ben. “Not really. Sort of a bust, actually.”

“Yeah, I hit it off with Dana, but it looks like Ben has her attention right now.”

Dana. At least I had a name to go with the perky woman Ben was flirting with. So much for that date.

“I don’t recognize her,” I said, unabashedly delving for more information.

“You wouldn’t. She’s not from here. She’s interviewing for Whitney’s position at Dr. Robert’s clinic. Or rather, she’s interviewing him.”

“Huh, a vet?”

“So she says.”

“And she’s already looking for a date?” I winced at the cattiness in my voice. Cattiness for someone who hadn’t done anything except shown up at a speed dating event looking for a date. Wasn’t that the exact reason I was here?

“It’s not like there are a ton of social events up here, especially in the winter. I think she mostly wanted to meet someone, or she’s decided she’s moving here. Not sure which, but once Ben is done talking to her, I’m sliding in there.”

“So you’ll just abandon me?”

Warren laughed. “I didn’t get the impression you wanted to give us a second try..”

Warren and I had gone on a single date that had ended in an awkward hug.
