Page 58 of Just Best Friends

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I shook my head with a laugh. “Afraid not.”

“No chemistry,” he shrugged, taking a sip. “I get it.”

“But I can be your wingman.”

He raised an eyebrow. “How’s that?”

I grabbed my drink and stood up, crossing the bar to Ben. “Hey, sorry to interrupt. I’m Thea.”

I held my hand out to Dana. She took it with a smile. “Nice to meet you. Dana.”

“Warren said you’re interviewing for Whitney’s position at the vet and I wanted to come over and say hello.”

She shook my hand, her palm warm and smooth. If I hadn’t been singularly focused on getting Ben away, I would have asked about her skin routine.

“Oh. Do you bring your pets there?” she asked.

I shook my head. “No, I don’t own a pet. I travel a lot for work, but it’s a small community. I live in Franklin Notch, just the next town over. Whitney lived down the street from me, before she met Doug, of course. That’s her fiancé. He’s in the Army, stationed on the coast.”

“Dr. Roberts had mentioned that.”

“Are you taking the job?”

Dana smiled awkwardly, eyes skittering away.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to pry. Everyone’s in each other’s business around here. Do you know Warren?” I gestured for him to join us. “Oh, of course you do, from speed dating.”

Warren joined us, shooting me a sly grin. “What can I do for you, Thea?”

“I was just talking to Dana about her job interview and I didn’t know whether you mentioned that you’re the best realtor in the White Mountains.” Ben raised an eyebrow, but I pressed on. “I’m not prying, but if you are interested in moving up here, you absolutely need to talk to Warren about housing. Pierce has gotten so expensive in the last few years between the tourism and the film crews. But there are some gorgeous apartments in Franklin Notch. Or if you want more space, Tipton has tons of farmland.”

“Warren, you didn’t mention you were a realtor,” Dana said, a sly grin on her face.

Warren beamed in response. “I know a couple of short-term leases coming up. How long are you staying in town? I’d be happy to give you a tour, talk about your options, no pressure.”

I tipped back the last of my sparkling water. Two drinks and my stomach had rebelled. I blamed that on the stress of speed dating. “I’m going to grab another drink,” I said, grabbing Ben’s arm. “Do either of you need another?”

Warren shook his head, continuing a conversation about housing as I dragged Ben to the bar.

“What was that?” he asked as I set my empty glass on the bar and asked for the check.

“Sorry, were you interested in her?” I feigned ignorance.

Ben stood behind me, leaning close to my ear. “I’m interested in her taking Whitney’s position at the rescue.”

“But romantically?” I kept my eyes glued to the bar, all too aware that my heart threatened to hammer out of my chest.

“She seems nice enough, but romantically? No.”

I took a breath as the bartender slid the bill across the bar. I scribbled out my signature and turned to face Ben with a smile. “Well, Warren was very interested in her. I was just giving him an opening.”

“What a nice wing woman you are,” he said sardonically.

“Besides, I should get to know her if she’s moving here.”

“Why? Are you planning on getting a pet?” Ben asked with a laugh.

“No.” I batted his chest. He shuffled closer as the crowd behind him swelled, his hand brushing mine. “I think you keep enough animals for both of us. But if she takes the job at the rescue, I’ll see her often enough.”
