Page 74 of Shattered Illusions

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“Yeah, but I can take her.” She returned her attention to both Sheila and Alex. “Now, ladies, what gives?”

Both women remained silent.

Roxie arched a brow. “Do I have to remind you that this is a team-building exercise? Don’t make me get new team members.”

“Fine,” Alex sighed. “Sheila, you have to stop flirting with Quinn. And touching him. Youreallyneed to stop doing that.”

“Okay,” Sheila nodded. “I’ll give you the touching. I’ll stop that. But not the flirting.Everyoneflirts with Quinn. Why is what I do any different?”

“It just is,” Alex snapped.

“Uh-uh-uh,” Roxie interrupted, waving an imaginary flag. “Moderator here. You need to explain yourself, missy.”

Alex glared at her. “I hate you.”

Roxie air-kissed her back. “I know, sweetie. I love you, too.”

“It bothers me because ofthat.” Alex waved in Sheila’s general direction.

“Sorry,” Sheila said with a laugh, “but you’re gonna have to explain a little better than that.”

Alex shifted uncomfortably, then gulped down more than a few swallows of wine. After clunking her glass onto the coffee table, she tapped the rim for a top-off. “It’s the boobage, okay? I don’t give a rip if other people flirt with my husband. But whenyoudo it, it irritates the crap out of me because of”—she waved her hand at Sheila’s chest—“all that. I’ve seen him when you flirt with him, and the poor guy doesn’t know where to look.” She folded her arms over her smaller chest and sent another glare to Roxie. “Happy?”

“Are you kidding me, Alex?” Sheila looked at the woman as if she’d grown a fifth head. “Have you seen yourself in the mirror? Better yet, have you seen the way Quinn looks at you? I flirt like mad with him because I know there’s no chance in hell he’s going to do anything. It’s like practice for me. If I can make him uncomfortable and have him try to figure out where to put his eyes, then I know that what I’m doing will work on a regular guy.” She took a sip of wine and shrugged. “You just need to get over it.”

Alex’s jaw almost hit the floor, and Roxie began cracking up.

“Baywatch does have a point, Alex,” Nina chimed in. “Quinn could look his fill—which he doesn’t—but it wouldn’t matter because it’s pretty obvious to anyone with working eyeballs who stars in the good sheriff’s head porn.”

Roxie choked on her wine. “Oh my god, Nina, you’re killing me! My stomach muscles hurt from laughing so much.”

Nina rolled her eyes. “Whatever, boss lady. Like we all don’t know that you have a starring role in the personal spank bank of a certain blond-haired, blue-eyed Adonis. Not that I’m insanely jealous or anything.”

It was Roxie’s turn to have her mouth fall open.

Nina reached over and patted her back. “It’s okay. We’re off the clock now, so it’s totally okay. Spill it.”

Heat rushed over her face, and she could only stare at Nina. “I don’t have the foggiest clue as to what you mean.”

“Bullshit,” Nina snorted.

“Tsk-tsk, young lady,” Alex said, voice full of glee. “Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?”

Nina grinned. “Not anymore, that’s for damn sure. But come on, aren’t you guys the tiniest bit curious about what’s going on with them? Because let me tell you, Roxie, evenmypanties get wet when Joe does that sexy, smoldering look. And the guy isn’t even directing the smolder at me!”

A chorus of raucous laughter filled the room.

“What?” Nina asked, a devious twinkle in her eyes. “Give me a break. Don’t act all shocked. I’m just saying what all of you are already thinking. Even you, Mrs. Married-to-the-Smoking-Hot-Sheriff.”

Alex leaned back against the couch cushions and tipped her glass to Nina, the wine she’d guzzled a few minutes prior obviously taking effect. “Joe is pretty hot; I’ll give you that much. But that’s all I’m gonna say.”

Roxie laughed and stared at Nina in wonder. “You’re hilarious, you know that? To think that sweet, innocent face of yours hides such a raunchy and dirty mouth.”

Nina batted her lashes. “Who?Moi?”

“Do you knit by chance?”

Nina howled. “Oh hell no. I’ve got nothing on those knitting ladies. I mean, they even makemeblush.”
