Page 90 of Detroit

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But it was never Gav.

It was Melissa.

And then she, what? Dealt the drugs? At the gym?

That part, I didn’t know.

I couldn’t know.

And pretty soon, there was no more wondering about Melissa, because I was being dragged right out the front door.

My gaze shot around, sure someone would see this, would do something, say something, call the police, something, anything.

The trailer I was inside was wedged in the sharp corner of a cul-de-sac. The one across the street looked abandoned, judging by the high grass and broken windows. The closest one to the side was cut off by a long line of tall arborvitae.

There was no one.

No one who couldseeanyway.

Not as I was pulled too fast, and stumbled over my own feet, sending me down onto my knees on the steps.

The impact had me crying out loudly against my gag.

“Fucking Christ,” Gray hissed, yanking me up so hard that my shoulder screamed.

I blinked away tears, trying not to fall into hopelessness.

There was always hope. Always. So long as you were still alive, there was hope.

I just had to focus, stay sharp.

I could find a way out of this.

Gray yanked me one more time before he popped his trunk, then stooped down, scooped me up, and tossed me inside.

The air was knocked out of me, and the trunk was slammed shut before I could suck in a new breath.

Alone in the trunk, I tried to focus.

I lifted my arms, angling them to the side to start pulling at edge of the duct tape on my face, whimpering at the sting as I freed my skin inch by inch.

I stopped when my mouth was exposed, leaving it stuck to my other cheek.

I tried to move my hands up and down, trying to make some space between the duct tape, so I could free my hands. All it did, though, was bite into my skin, rub it raw.

Tears sprang again, and this time, I didn’t bother to try to stop them. They flowed freely down my face as I tried to keep freeing my hands.

I heard it then.

The rumble of bikes.

It seemed to be getting closer.

Hope swelled.

Sure, other people owned bikes in Shady Valley. But I had to believe that this wasn’t them. This had to be Detroit. Detroit and his brothers. Men coming to save me.

But then the sound cut off.
