Page 28 of In His Sights

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Riley lurched to his feet. “Here. Sit.”

Dan gave him a grateful glance. “Thank you.” Gary opened the bag and placed the watch with its leather strap into Dan’s hand.

“Do we need to hold hands? Put on creepy music?”

Gary glared at Lewis. “It’s not a séance, you jerk.” Lewis arched his eyebrows, but Gary was past being polite. Lewis’s attitude to Dan was pissing him off severely.

Dan closed his eyes, his breathing slowing until there was little movement in his chest. No one spoke, not even Lewis. Gary took the opportunity to study Dan. He was about Gary’s age, of average build, but slim across the hips. In fact, he was lean all over, judging by the way his clothes hugged his body. His air of concentration was impressive; it was as if he’d blotted them out.

After a moment of silence, Dan opened his eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m not getting anything.”

Gary dropped his shoulders. “It’s all right.” His ribs grew tight, his breathing hitched.

“I’m probably jamming his frequencies,” Lewis muttered.

Dan snorted. “I amnotTangina Barrons.” His gaze met Gary’s. “She was way cooler than me.” That twinkle was attractive.

“Tangi—who the hell is that?” Lewis gave Dan a blank look.

Gary didn’t hesitate. “The psychic inPoltergeist.” He glared at Lewis. “If you’re going to stay, you’ll be quiet, okay?”

Lewis took a step back, gazing at him with wide eyes. “Okay.”

Will Freeman stuck his head around the door. “Riley, there’s a call for you.”

Riley walked out, closing the door behind him.

Gary took the watch from Dan and replaced it in the box. “Let’s try something else.” He searched the bags, his pulse quickening when he saw Cory’s name.Do it. Gary reached into the bag and removed Cory’s pinky ring. His mouth dry, he placed it on Dan’s upturned palm. As he withdrew his hand, their fingers brushed, and Dan jerked his head up, staring at him.

“Something wrong?” Gary hadn’t gotten a shock when they touched.

“No, nothing.”

Gary was no psychic, but even he knew that was a lie. Something had rattled Dan for a second.

Dan covered the ring with his hand and closed his eyes once more.

I was with Cory when he bought that.Cory had saved up all his money from mowing lawns one summer to buy it. When it grew tight, he’d transferred it to his pinky, and there it had stayed.

Dan was as motionless as a statue, and once again Gary felt sure he wasn’t aware of anything but the object between his palms. Dan’s breathing hitched, then hitched again, and goose bumps erupted over Gary’s arms.

Something was coming, as tangible as an icy hand on Gary’s nape.

Dan opened his eyes to stare at Gary. “Oh my God.”

The tightness around Gary’s ribs increased until drawing breath became a chore. Cold trickled through him at the sight of tears spilling onto Dan’s cheeks.

Oh fuck.Gary couldn’t move, was rooted to the spot. His throat seized.

Dan sagged into the chair, still clutching the ring. “I am so, so sorry. This must be killing you.” He wiped his eyes with his fingers.

Understatement of the fucking century.

“What’skilling him?” Lewis demanded.

Dan got up from the chair. He held out the ring, and Gary’s hands trembled as he took it. Then he realized Dan’s hands were shaking too. Dan shivered. “He’s the reason you agreed to me coming on board with this case, isn’t he? You want to find the man who did this to your best friend.” Dan went over to the board, stopping in front of Cory’s image. “It was his ring.” It wasn’t a question.

Oh God.
