Page 29 of In His Sights

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“Okay, who told you that?” Lewis asked.

Dan pointed to the ring in Gary’s hand. “Thatdid.” He indicated Cory’s photo. “And so did he.”

“Wait—you see dead people too?” Lewis paled. “Fuck. I’m sorry, Gary. I didn’t think?”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Dan retorted. “And I’m not going to waste my breath explaining myself, not to someone who clearly thinks I shouldn’t be here.”

Lewis opened his mouth, then snapped it shut.

Gary’s skin tingled. Pain lanced through his chest. “Did… did you learn anything about… how he died? Anything that can help us?”

Dan’s hazel eyes held nothing but warmth and compassion. “I’m sorry. All I got was feelings about you. He… he cared deeply for you.” He swallowed. “My apologies for the display of emotion. It happens sometimes, when the… signal, for want of a better word, is strong.”

Gary fought hard to stay upright, not to deflate into a quivering mess. Dan laid his hand on Gary’s shoulder, and there it was again, a visible tremor that rippled through Dan. He jerked his hand back, and it took every ounce of effort Gary possessed not to yellWhat? What is it you feel that you’re not telling me?

Dan had taken Gary’s disbelief and doubt, crushed them in his slim fingers, and cast them aside in a heartbeat.

He doesn’t have inside knowledge.

Heknows. He fuckingknows.

Howhe knew, Gary had no idea, but that didn’t matter. All that concerned him was Dan was the genuine article. He replaced the ring in its bag and resealed it.

Dan turned to Lewis. “Do you need another demonstration?” There was no animosity in his voice. If anything, he sounded as drained as Gary felt.

Lewis studied him in silence before responding. “No, that’s okay. I think I’ve heard enough.”

Riley came back into the room. “Lewis, you got a minute?”

“Sure. Unless Dan here is going to go through every piece of evidence.”

Gary gestured toward the door. “Go see what Riley wants.”

When Lewis left, Dan expelled a breath. “He’s kind of… intense. What is his problem?” He sighed. “Stupid question.I’mthe problem, obviously.” He glanced at Gary. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to upset you, but….” He seemed to have regained his self-control.

Gary took a deep breath. “I’m okay. It’s still pretty raw.” Cory had only been dead four days, after all.Is that all?He glanced at Dan. “Areyouokay? You sound kind of exhausted.” Shock seeped from him, and with each breath he regained his equilibrium.

Dan nodded. “One thing I didn’t mention when Riley was asking questions. The visions wear me out. I’ll be okay if I sit quietly for a while. I need to recoup my energy.”

“How far did you travel to be here?”

“Not that far, really. I live in New Hampshire. We’re practically neighbors.”

“Where are you staying?”

“I booked into the Fairmont Copley Plaza last night.” He sniffed.

Gary frowned. “Do I have BO or something?”

“God, no, it’s just….” Dan leaned in and inhaled. “What’s that scent you’re wearing? It seems familiar.”

Mystery solved. “It’s a throwback to when I was a teenager. My brother loved patchouli and sandalwood. My dad used to tell him he was an old man in a young guy’s body.”Except he never made old bones.“I found a cologne that reminded me of it. It’s more cedar than sandalwood, but I like it.”

It was more than that, but Gary wasn’t about to share.

“Me too.” There was a pause. “So… once I’ve recharged my batteries, I’ll be ravenous. Can you recommend good places to eat around here? I looked at the hotel menu last night, and I have to admit, while it’s pretty swanky, nothing leaped out at me.”

“What do you like? Chinese? Indian? Thai? Mexican? Sushi? There are a ton of good restaurants.”
