Page 41 of In His Sights

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Gary went back to making tea, his mind replaying Lewis’s words. The BDSM angle worried him, and he wasn’t sure why. But if this Jesse Monroe was on the list and he hadn’t been questioned yet, that was enough reason to bring him in.

If they were lucky, he was the missing piece. If his alibis checked out, then it would be back to the drawing board. But if hewastheir man, Lewis would crow about it. Gary could already hear him.

See? There was no need for a psychic.

Gary poured boiling water onto a teabag, absently swirling it in the hot liquid, his thoughts drawn back to Dan.

And if itisour man, Dan can leave.

He’d only been there one day.

Gary wrapped his hands around the cup.I don’t want him to go yet.The realization forced him to analyze his motives for wanting Dan to stick around, and one thought came to the forefront.

What if Dan had the answers to his questions?

And am I brave enough to ask them?

Tuesday, May 29


Gary jerked his head up at the softly spoken greeting. Dan stood in front of his desk, wearing the same suit as the previous day, only with a blue shirt and tie.

Damn. He looks good.Then he shoved the thought from his mind. It had no business being there, not at work. Besides, he wasn’t sure if Dan would be able to pick up on his emotions. “Morning.”

Dan glanced around the busy room. There were several desks, each one occupied as detectives typed reports, read documents, or made calls. “Where are Lewis and Riley?” He flushed. “If it’s okay to refer to them like that.”

“They aren’t here, so you can refer to them any way you like.” He bit back a smile. “You should hear some of the things I call Lewis when he’s out of earshot.”

“I can imagine.” Dan’s deadpan delivery didn’t detract from the twinkle in his eyes.

“We had a breakthrough,” Gary told him. “They’ve gone to bring in a suspect.” He stood. “And in the meantime, I did as you requested. There’s a box in the case room, those items you wanted from Evidence.”

“Oh good. Then let’s go.”

Dan followed him to the small room, and once they were inside, Gary closed the door behind them. “I thought you might need a little quiet to concentrate.”

“Thank you. It does help.”

Gary gestured to the chair, and Dan sat. “How about we do the same thing as yesterday? I hand you an item, and you see if you can sense anything.” When Dan regarded him in silence, the skin on Gary’s arms prickled. “What have I said?”

“I was thinking…. You really do believe now, don’t you?” He smiled. “What a difference a day makes.”

“I’m not a stupid man,” Gary returned in a quiet voice. “You gave me proof. Why would I not believe in your gift?” He gestured to the evidence box. “Same as yesterday? No information about the victim, just the item?”

Dan nodded. “I’d prefer that.” He removed his coat and hung it on the chair, then sat with his hands in his lap, breathing deeply, his eyes closed.

Gary waited by the table, watching as a layer of calm enveloped Dan until his chest rose and fell steadily, each breath slow and even.

“I’m ready,” Dan said, his voice low and deep.

Gary reached into the box and withdrew a bag containing a coil of red rope. He removed it from its covering, then placed it on Dan’s upturned palms. Dan held it between his hands, his fingertips tracing along its length, his brow furrowing.

Gary understood Riley’s remark about finding it fascinating. Watching Dan at work was certainly that. What drew his attention were Dan’s long lashes, dark against the cream of his complexion, the clean line of his jaw, the fullness of that lower lip….

Twenty-four hours had elapsed since their first meeting, and if anything, the attraction he’d felt to the slight, handsome man had intensified.

I don’t understand why he affects me the way he does.
