Page 47 of In His Sights

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He pointed to the chair beside the bed. “Can I sit, please?”

“Of course you can.” Gary’s stomach churned. “You got something, didn’t you?”

Dan gave a low nod as he sank onto the seat. “Not that it makes any sense, but….”

“Tell us,” Riley demanded in a low voice.

“It’s just that… I’m not getting the same emotions as last time. There’s no anger, for one thing. And there’s something else.” He gazed at the surroundings. “This room… I can feel him. The dead man, I mean. The place is practically vibrating with his energy. But what I felt when I touched him? That was from someone else.”

“The killer?”

Dan pulled in and slowly released another deep breath. “You’re not going to like this.”

“Tell us.” The hair lifted on the back of Gary’s neck.

Dan’s eyes met his, and they were full of misery. “I don’t think it’s the same guy.” Another glance toward the bed. “But how can that be? It looks the same as the other crime scenes.”

Gary’s mind shifted into high gear. “It maylookthe same, but there are two important differences. No GHB left in plain sight and no letter.” He peered at Riley. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

Riley nodded. “This isn’t our killer, but a copycat.”

Dan’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

“It happens.” Gary held up his gloved hands. “Don’t get me wrong. I want this to be our guy, but….”

Dan walked over to the nightstand, where a photo sat in a silver frame. “I’m okay to touch this, right? The officer out there said so.”

Gary gestured to the frame. “Go for it.”

Dan picked it up and gazed at it. “This is the boyfriend.” The man in the photo with Robin was maybe in his early thirties. The pair wore ski clothing, and their faces were tanned. The snow in the background was almost blinding in the sunlight. Both were smiling.

“I assume so,” Gary replied.

Dan gave a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “It wasn’t a question. And you need to talk to this guy.”

“We’d talk to him anyway. That’s procedure.” Riley peered at the photo. “They made a good-looking couple.”

“They do, but I don’t like his mask.” Dan shivered. “Can I leave, please?”

“Of course. Riley, will—”

“I’ll stay a while. Lewis and I will catch a ride back to the precinct.”

“Thanks.” Gary gave the photo one last glance as Dan replaced it on the nightstand.

What did he mean? Neither of them is wearing a mask.

Chapter 17

DAN TOOKthe coffee with a sigh. “Thanks. I need this.” He inhaled its pleasant aroma before meeting Gary’s concerned gaze. “Relax. I’m okay now.” He was thankful Gary had brought him to the case room. Dan was aware of scrutiny as he walked along the precinct’s hallways. He knew from Riley that Travers had informed the Homicide unit of his arrival, and he guessed there had to be guys out there as skeptical as Lewis.

“It shook you up, didn’t it?”

Dan forced a smile. “Damn. And there I was thinking I’d hidden it so well.” He stared into his black coffee. “Can I ask something? How do you feel when you look at a dead person? I mean, it must be a commonplace event in your job, but….”

Gary leaned against the table. “If I’m honest, my first thought is always the same. ‘I hope they didn’t suffer.’ When it’s clearly murder, it… makes me sad, I suppose. Someone was robbed of life. They could’ve had so much in front of them, so much to live for.”

Dan’s mouth dried, and he hastily took a drink from his cup. He fought the urge to move closer to Gary, to touch him. Gary gazed at the board, oblivious to the tumult of emotions at war within Dan. “What’s on your mind?” Dan’s voice was unsteady.
