Page 60 of In His Sights

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Travers picked up his pen. “I’ll make sure you aren’t called in, then.”

“Thank you. He’s going stir-crazy. I told him to stay put until I’d sorted things out, but I wanted to talk to you first.” His throat tightened. “This is a reminder that I won’t be here next Tuesday. It’s… Cory’s funeral.”

Travers’s expression grew thoughtful. “Of course.”

Gary forced his mind into practical mode. He pulled his notepad from his pocket. “We’ve been doing a lot of digging into Robin Fields’s death.”

“Tell me it’s yielding results. I need some good news right now.”

“Well, it’s not looking good for his boyfriend, Quinn Dalmont, that’s for sure.”

Travers’s eyes gleamed. “You think he did it?”

“That’s the line we’re pursuing. This guy set off some major vibes when we interviewed him. We’re certain Robin Fields isnotvictim number seven. Too many anomalies at the crime scene, not to mention Del Maddox reports there’s no evidence of penetration. At least not like in the other cases.”

“What have you got on Dalmont so far?”

“The only prints in the apartment belong to Fields, Dalmont, and the cleaner. Which means nothing because we have no prints from the other crime scenes. But Lewis found Dalmont on Grindr, using another name. No doubt it’s him. A little suspicious for a man who claims he and his fiancé were monogamous, don’t you think? Our guess is Fields didn’t know about that. We got a warrant to check Dalmont’s phone records. Plus we’re following a few other leads. When we see what they bring, we’ll invite him in for an interview.” Gary didn’t want to say too much about those leads. Travers liked facts, not hunches.

“Excellent. Then I’ll let you get back to work.” Travers stilled. “No movement on our serial killer? What about Silver?”

“Still waiting on the DNA results, but Riley’s checking up on him too. I’ll let you know what he discovers.”

Travers nodded. “The social media furor appears to have died down since Tuesday. Thank God. At least there are no more posts on Twitter about Boston PD’s discriminatory attitude toward BDSM. And Monroe’s lawyer says he won’t be making a formal complaint. Yet another thing to be thankful for.” His phone rang, and he sighed.

Gary took that as a sign. He left the office and headed for his desk. His phone buzzed, and he smiled when he read the text from Riley.

Office, now. We hit pay dirt.

It was about time they hit something.

He hurried to the case room, to find Riley and Lewis talking animatedly. “I was beginning to think you two had transferred to another precinct,” Gary said. “Where have you been all morning?”

“Working,” Lewis retorted. “And you’re gonna like what we found.”

“Where’s Dan?” Riley asked.

“At the hotel. And if we need him, I’ll go pick him up.”

“I don’t know him all that well, but I’m betting he hates being in the spotlight.”

“You’d be right.” Gary couldn’t think about Dan right then. He needed to keep a clear head. “Okay, bring me up to speed.”

“I just finished checking the street cameras around Liberty Drive.” Riley thrust a folder into his hand. “We have to question Dalmont about his weekend with his family. I have no idea where they’re located, but I’d be interested to hear how he explains this.”

Gary opened the folder and smiled. “Yes, so would I.” He placed it on the table. “Have you contacted Uber? They keep records for ninety days.”

“Yup. I got them to preserve the account.”

Lewis tapped another folder with his index finger. “And I got his phone records. Makes for compelling reading.” He opened it, removed two sheets, and handed them to Gary.

Gary scanned the sheet, frowning. “Nothing compelling about this. I can’t see how this helps—” He froze as he glanced at the second sheet. “Oh, I stand corrected.” He grinned. “Nice work.” He handed the sheets back to Lewis. “I have news too. Fields’s lawyer sent over a copy of the will. Apparently, Fields made a new one in anticipation of the wedding.” His phone rang, and Gary answered it immediately. “Del. What have you got for me?”

“The results of the prelim toxicology tests. Now, youknowthis is merely an indication?”

“Yes, I know it’s not accurate proof. So what have you got?”

“I had them test for the substances found in the previous cases. I’m fairly certain the victim’s cardiac arrest was brought about by a lethal dose of ketamine.”
