Page 65 of In His Sights

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I didn’t need a copycat to muddy the investigative waters.Myvictims had been carefully chosen. My initial rage bubbled up, and I resolved to make sure the police didn’t chalk up the death of Robin Fields to me.

I pulled up the image I’d saved of Dan Porter on my phone.

“You can’t see me.” I grinned. “Some psychic. Why should I concern myself with you?”

Calm restored.

Resolve hardened.

I scrolled through my phone and smiled.

Victim chosen.

Chapter 24

Saturday, June 2

GARY’S KISSESgrazed Dan’s neck, making him shiver. His damp chest pressed against Dan’s back as he rocked into him. This was always the part of the vision Dan loved, when their coupling became less frantic and more sensual. He felt cherished, worshipped… loved. But then Gary withdrew and rolled Dan onto his back, and for the first time in thirteen years, Dan gazed into the eyes of the man making love to him.

“Please,” he whispered. “I need you.” He stroked Gary’s face, his fingertips brushing over his beard as he slid them lower to Gary’s shoulders.

Gary groaned as he filled Dan to the hilt. “Need you too.” He rolled his hips, a sinuous motion that forced a moan of pleasure from Dan’s lips. And suddenly they were rocking together, locked into a rhythm echoing that of Dan’s heartbeat, both covered in a sheen of perspiration, drops falling onto Dan’s face.

Except they weren’t drops of sweat—they were tears.

Gary looked into his eyes, his cheeks streaked. “Heal me.”

Dan sat bolt upright in bed, his heart pounding. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand, his hand shaking, his breathing erratic.

What are you going to do? Call him in the middle of the night?

He dragged air into his lungs, expelling his panic with each exhalation until at last he was calmer. He threw off the comforter and got out of bed to walk into the bathroom. After drinking a glass of water, he stared at his reflection.

“What is going on here?”

So many things were conspiring to screw up his life and his focus. Learning the identity of the man in the vision. Thechangein the vision. The revelations in the media. His turbulent emotions whenever Gary was near.

“I don’t evenknowhim.” Not even six days had passed since they’d met. Certainly not long enough to tangle Dan’s senses into a convoluted mess, but they were. He couldn’t deny that.

And now this.Heal me. What the hell did it mean?

He gripped the sink, forcing his thoughts back to every occasion of physical contact with Gary. That first burst of recognition when Gary had handed him Cory’s ring….I knew then, didn’t I? I knew he was important.And if Gary needed healing, Dan would do his utmost to provide it.

But healing from what? His grief over the loss of his best friend?

No. It was more than that; Dan was sure of it.

I need to know what the hell is going on.

Gary had said he’d come to the hotel at some point, but Dan wanted more than a vague arrangement. He returned to the bed, picked up the phone, and composed a short text.

Breakfast here. 8:00.

It wasn’t a request. Maybe if he learned more about Gary, more pieces would fall into place.

He hoped. Because right then, he was floundering in the dark.

BREAKFAST HADbeen delicious. Having Gary share it with him had been a bonus.
