Page 150 of Knot For A Moment

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The champagne was delicious, and every time I looked up, I got lost in the incredible sky Addison created—flowers, stars, diamonds, and lights. It was beautiful. Was I a little tipsy and just wanted to keep staring at everything that was pretty? Maybe. But that didn’t mean she hadn’t knocked it out of the park.

A photographer I hadn’t even noticed during the ceremony snapped pictures, and I couldn’t wait to see them.

Finally, when my Alphas decided they’d had enough of sharing, Jace pulled me into his arms on the dance floor, slowing everything down. “How you doing, baby girl?”

“I’m good,” I said. “Perfect. Maybe a little drunk.”

“I think we can handle that.” His purr vibrated against me, unable to be heard through the chatter and the music. “I can’t wait to start doing life with you, Sloane.”

“Me too.”

I laid my head on his chest until there was a tap on my shoulder, and Jace spun me into Asher’s arms. He held my hand with another arm around my waist, a more traditional pose.

The deep contentment in his bond was echoed in my own.

I felt all of it. The darkness he felt he had to hide, and the regret of not knowing I was his. How he’d held himself back, hoping to make up for it, and how until the other night he’d worried he might frighten me away again.

“I was never scared of you, Ash. I know I already told you, but I’ll say it again. It never crossed my mind. And I don’t want you holding anything back from me.”

Ash brushed his lips across mine, asking wordlessly for more, and I gave it to him. Words weren’t needed right now, because we could both feel it. It didn’t matter the time we’d lost, because we were always meant to be here in each other’s arms.

When he broke the kiss, he pressed his cheek to mine, still moving us slowly around the dance floor. “I’ll still spend our lives making it up to you, blue. Because I know what it’s like to be without you, and I’ll never take it for granted. I promise.”

In the echoing connection between us, it felt like a vow.

Ash bent to press his forehead against mine, and we stayed that way, eyes closed, and I loved the feeling of just existing with him, nothing else between us.

“I need to buy you more jewelry,” he finally said softly. “Because I love seeing that necklace on you.”

I smirked up at him. “Need to remind everyone I’m yours?”

“Something like that.”

“I should get you guys some rings. If I’m showing I’m taken, I want it for you, too.”

He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer. “I’ll wear anything you buy me, sweetheart. I would shout that I’m yours from the rooftops if I thought anyone would listen.”

“May I?” Roman appeared next to us, and I smiled as I spun to him, Ash’s fingers lingering for just a moment.

Even in high heels, Roman was so much taller I had to crane my neck to see his face. I decided I didn’t care much about decorum at my own bonding and jumped up. Roman caught me easily, holding me as my knees perched on his hips. Now we were face to face, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Much better.”

He squeezed my ass, and I laughed. “I do like this,” he said.

We just held each other, with me listening to the flickers of emotions he had. Love and contentment, happiness, some darkness and anger too that didn’t seem to match the rest. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, firefly.”

“Can’t get away with that anymore,” I whispered. “Not now that I can feel you.”

Roman tilted his head, acknowledging my statement. “Nothing you need to worry about tonight,” he finally said. “I’d rather think about how you promised to let me sculpt you naked.”

“I will. But where would we put a statue like that?”

He thought about it. “I’ll sculpt it small enough to be moved around. We can keep it wherever you like in the house.”

When I blushed, he smiled. “Why are you embarrassed, firefly? It’s only for us.”

“I know. It’s still strange to me.”
