Page 156 of Knot For A Moment

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Tapping her cane against my thigh, she gave me a look. “That doesn’t mean I will go easy on you.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it, Madame.”

Everyone wanted to see the ring, and those who hadn’t made it or hadn’t had a chance to see me at the party wanted to say hello. Class started a bit late, with a twinkle in Madame Hubert’s eyes. She pushed us extra hard for the delay, but it was worth it.

Afterwards, Ian stepped into the room. “Welcome back. I’m eager to start rehearsals after our… break.”

There were looks around the room at the bitterness in his tone. “I commend you for handling the compressed schedule so well, and I look forward to the last few weekends ofGiselle.”

Asher, myself, Dion, and Claire would be performing again in two weeks. The final weekend of the show. I didn’t look forward to those pickup rehearsals, but at least we could leave that show behind. It was a ballet I loved, but now I couldn’t look at it the same way.

“Here are the cohorts forSwan Lake. We’ll start with the large group scenes to get things rolling, so we’ll need everyone initially, and then we’ll narrow as we go on.”

Reading off his phone, he read off the cohorts. Everyone clapped when I was read as the Swan Queen, and Ash was my Prince Siegfried. The look on Ian’s face told me he did it more to avoid Asher’s wrath than anything else, but I wasn’t going to complain.

This time Claire was also the Swan Queen, so she was in a different cohort. Dion was Prince Siegfried to our friend Skylar.

“There’s a list on the bulletin board for who the costume shop needs to see. Dismissed.”

He left without fanfare, and Dion made a face. “Bye.”

“Dion,” I managed, but I barely managed to suppress my laughter.

“I don’t give a shit, Sloane. The man is an asshole, and I’m not a fan. I’ll work with him because I don’t have a choice, and be civil in rehearsal, but respect is earned, and he’s already lost all of mine.”

“Fair enough.” It was the same for me, but I needed to keep myself a little more neutral. At least publicly. Being a part of Pack Lys now meant I needed to be conscious of it.

My name was on the list for a fitting, but Dion’s wasn’t. “I’ll see you later, babe. The guys are taking me out for dinner and I need time to prepare.”

“Prepare?” I laughed. “How?”

“It takes time for all this beauty,” he said. “That, and making sure I’m ready to be absolutely railed. They’ve been busy, it’s been too long, and I need my ass knotted like… yesterday.”

Male Omegas had a knot that female Alphas could lock to. But like every Omega, we were stretchy. Dion had no problems taking his Alphas exactly where he wanted them, knots and all.

“Have fun.”

“You too, Lolo.”

The costume fitting was just a check on the measurements they already had for me. Since this was a full production and not a re-up like Giselle, there would be new costumes to match whatever vision Ian was bringing to the project. I was curious about it, regardless of how I felt about him.

Anna, one of the admin assistants, stuck her head into the costume shop. “Sloane, Mr. Black wants to see you in his office when you’re done.”

“Thank you.”

The seamstress, Beatrice, chuckled. “If that’s what you call it now.”

“God,” I shook my head. “Even if we don’t do anything, you guys are going to about think it every time I go to his office, aren’t you?”

“Absolutely, yes.” She spoke with a mouthful of pins. “So you might as well lean into it.”

“I’m still a professional, Beatrice,” I laughed.

“Be a professional, girl. But his office isn’t a studio, and if he weren’t so thoroughly taken, I wager to say plenty of the people in this building would jump through fire for a chance to be unprofessional with him.”

The immediate flash of jealousy was treated with interest by my Alphas in the building. Ash and Roman felt farther away. Still there, but a touch muted. But Gabriel’s attention sharpened. Deepened.

Still, the jealousy quickly faded. I had nothing to worry about in that department, and Beatrice wasn’t wrong. Gabriel was hot as fuck, and even the business casual clothes he wore couldn’t hide it.

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