Page 184 of Knot For A Moment

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Istepped into the rosin box, coating the tips of my pointe shoes, when I felt heat behind me. The rich scent of chocolate chip cookies curling around me, the bond of my Alpha telling me he was not thinking at all about the show we were about to put on.

“Last time you and I were like this, you were going into heat,” he whispered into my neck.

“As fun as that was,” I said with a laugh, “I’m glad I’m not going into heat now.”

The orchestra was warming up, and on the other side of the curtain the crowd could be heard entering the house. Not every production ofSwan Lakestarted with the prologue, but ours did. Which meant I would be the first on stage to be cursed by Rothbart, the villain, and have an absolutely insane quick change into the costume of the Swan Queen.

“Me too, but only because you’ll actually get the recognition you deserve. I get to show you off.”

“Like I’m a prize?”

He lifted me, turning and placing me against the wall. “No, like my beautiful Omega who I can’t get enough of. Who I can’t wait to take home and after this and work out all the tension we’re about to build up.”

Having your dance partner at home was nice. Especially when you had a studio in your house to rehearse—both the real versions and the sexier versions of the dances and roles we played. It had only been two months, and the amount of sex Ash and I had in our studio was more than I’d ever admit to anyone outside our pack.

The guys loved using the mirror, and I loved letting them.

“Unless you want to dance this entire show hard, don’t tease both of us.”

Ash laughed, low and soft, kissing my lips gently enough not to ruin my lipstick. “Sweetheart, I’m almost always hard or halfway there when I’m dancing with you. I’m used to it.”

Part of me felt bad for it, and part of me thrilled at the idea that he was so affected by me, and hoped he always would be. He felt it, his smile taking on a feral edge. “Careful, blue.”


The overture started, and Ash slipped a hand around my throat gently, pinning me to the wall before he kissed me again. Our rings were in the dressing room we shared, waiting to be put back on after the show. With his fingers ringing my neck, his lips on mine, reminding me of those moments when he let himself completely, I couldn’t help but smile.

“They’re going to need me in a second.”

“Just a little more.”

I let out a giggle. “Later, Prince Siegfried.”

Ash nudged my forehead with his. “See you on stage, Odette.”

Flexing my feet, I went over to my entrance and stretched my arms quickly. My other bonds lit up with well wishes and love. I had to wipe the smile off my face for the character, but they felt me sending it right back to them.

The curtain opened, the stage lit in blues and greens of a night by a lake, and I stepped onto the stage into a wave of enthusiastic applause.

* * *

“You were so good,” Eva said, scooping me into a hug as soon as I got to the reception. “Like, fuck me, I should retire. You’re so good.”

“Dancing and acting aren’t remotely the same, Eva,” I laughed. “You wouldn’t want to see me on camera.”

“That’s bullshit and we both know it,” but she was smiling.

Petra hugged me tight. “Congratulations. Did that feel better?”

“So much. And it’s nice to see everyone here too instead of being smuggled out the back of the theater.”

“You look beautiful,” Esme said, gesturing to the dress I wore. A pretty violet, and flowing. I loved it. It made me feel graceful even when I wasn’t trying to be.

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