Page 186 of Knot For A Moment

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By the time I’d made the full rounds in the room, I was parched and my energy was running low. A full performance and now this amount of people equaled an Omega who was fading fast.

Gabriel approached with two glasses in his hands. “Water or champagne?”

“Both.” But I reached for the water first, glancing around before I took it like a shot. Fuck yes. There wasn’t anything like water when you were parched.

Slipping a hand around my waist, Gabe kissed my cheek and switched out the glasses, passing the empty water to one of the waitstaff. “I have someone I want you to meet.”

I whined softly, leaning my head on his shoulder. “Okay, but I only have a few more conversations in me.”

“This is one you’ll want to have, I think.”

He maneuvered us toward the corner of the room. Roman, Ash, and Jace stood nearby. Not close enough to participate in whatever conversation we were going to have, but enough to tell me they knew about it and wanted to watch. “You Alphas and your surprises.”

“If you weren’t so adorably angry and then delighted, maybe we’d stop.”

I made a face, causing him to laugh. But he pulled me up to a man I recognized, and one I didn’t. “Robert?” I asked. “It’s nice to see you. I didn’t expect you here.”

Gabe’s brother took my hand and shook it. “I’m sure you know Gabriel can be very convincing if he wants to be. It was a lovely show.”

“Thank you.”

“The main reason I’m here is to introduce you, and everyone else here, to this man.” The one who stood beside him. Handsome, with dark hair with silver at the temples, he looked to be around Robert’s age. “This is Vidal Maher.”

Searching my memory, I knew I’d heard his name before, but I was also certain I’d never seen this man in my life. Gabriel cleared his throat and murmured, “Craig,” under his breath, and it all clicked.

This was the man Craig had taken advantage of, and who he promised would meet me at the concert. My face paled, and he held out a hand. “I’m so sorry that’s the only knowledge you have of me, Miss Glass. That… interaction isn’t why I’m here. Rather, I hoped to make up for it.”

I took the outstretched hand and shook it. “Thank you. I’m sorry that my family was used to mislead you. I had no knowledge of it at the time.”

“So I hear. My own sympathy for a person I believed needed help got the better of me. Believe me, I will be more careful with both my investments and decisions from now on. Not to mention there are grounds for me to sue the hell out of Sullivan for fraud.”

I hid my smile, but not fast enough, and he laughed. “Don’t worry, Miss Glass. You’re in good company with your feelings there.”

Craig was in jail, and everything pointed to him staying there. He wouldn’t go to trial for a bit, but there was irrefutable evidence against him. Jeremy’s civil suit. And now fraud? He was done, and I was glad. As soon as his trial was over, I would blissfully never think about him again.

“I appreciate you coming. I was told you preferred to patronize music?”

“Generally I do, but I think I can expand my interests. Especially when my musical taste and other art forms come together.” He looked behind me like he was pointing someone out, and I turned to find another man standing behind me.

This one I recognized, and wouldanywhere. Alexander Serrat. The composer we’d been going to see. My jaw dropped.

Alexander laughed. “I won’t lie. That’s not the reception I usually get, but I don’t mind it.”

“I’m so sorry.” I closed my mouth and reached to shake his hand. “It’s an honor to meet you. I love your music.”

“And I love your dancing. I wouldn’t say I’m an expert in the field, but I recognize quality when I see it.”

My brain short-circuited. Alexander Serrat just complimented me on my performance, and I didn’t think I would ever receive a better one.

“When Mr. Maher found out about Craig’s actions.Allof them,” Gabriel said. “He wanted to meet you, and he wanted to do what he could to undo the damage that was done. At least in one way. Like you not getting to meet Alexander.”

I looked at Maher. “Thank you. Truly. This is… incredible. I’m still hoping to make it to one of your concerts, Mr. Serrat. I would love that.”

“Consider it done,” he said. “But I think you’ll be sick of me before long.”

“I doubt it.” His music was ethereal in the best way. It made me fly and float and want to dance forever.

Mr. Maher cleared his throat. “I have to admit something to you, Miss Glass. I did come here with an ulterior motive. But not a bad one, and all your Alphas knew, so I hope I’m in the clear.”
