Page 187 of Knot For A Moment

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I glared up at Gabriel, then over at the rest of my pack, and they were all smiles. Because of course they were. Gabriel put his hand back around my waist. “Never a bad surprise, little one. Haven’t we proved that? Trust me.” He squeezed my hip.

“Dare I ask?”

Vidal slid his hands in his pockets. “Like I said, I like it when music and other things come together. In the course of my conversations with Gabriel here, he mentioned you were a fan of Alexander’s music. To the point that you would love to dance a full ballet to it.”

“Absolutely,” I said, looking between the two men. Alexander had moved within my line of vision. “Your music… There’s nothing else like it. Dancing to it would lend itself to modern ballet. I think it would be beautiful.”

“I agree,” Alexander said. “I’d never thought about it before, but as soon as Vidal told me, I liked the idea. And fortunately, so did she.”

He gestured to where Genevieve stood nearby, speaking to one of the board members. She spotted my shocked look and came over to our group. “They told you?”

“Maybe? I’m not sure because I’m not sure I believe it’s real.”

Genevieve smiled. “Gabriel and I agree, and so does the board, that for Slate City Ballet to excel and grow, the classics can’t be all we produce. They have their place, and I will happily produce them. But we need new work as well.”

Hope filled me so deeply and intensely, I thought I might float up like a balloon. This couldn’t be really happening, right?

“Because everyone loves the idea,” Gabriel said. “Alexander will compose a score for a new ballet, and Genevieve will choreograph it, to be featured next season.”

“That’s…” I shook my head and placed a hand on my chest. “I’m sorry. I don’t have coherent words right now because that’s so amazing.”

“Again,” Alexander chuckled. “A good reaction. I look forward to seeing what comes of it.”

Leaning further into Gabriel, I smiled when he kissed my hair. “Me too.”

“In the meantime,” Mr. Maher nodded at Gabriel. “He has my number. Anytime you want tickets for something, and I don’t just mean Alexander, let me know, and I’ll see what I can do.”

I looked at Gabriel. “You did all this for me?”

“I should say I did it for SBC because it’s the right choice, and a good business decision.” The others around us laughed. “But yes, I did it for you. I’d do anything for you, little one.”

The way he kissed me would set the building on fire, and I didn’t care. When he finally pulled away, he looked at the small circle of our audience. “Thank you for making this happen, and for being willing to make it a surprise. But if you don’t mind, I think it’s time to take my Omega home.”

“Of course,” Mr. Maher said. “We’ll be in touch.”

“Two weeks,” I said when I stepped into the circle of my Alphas. “No more surprises for two weeks.”

Jace smirked. “It was a good one, though, right?”

There was no way to deny that. “It was a great one.”

Roman subtly stroked his hand over my tattoo, just over the fabric. Other than his bite mark and between my legs, it was his favorite part of my body. He touched it all the time, and the joy he felt whenever he saw it broughtmejoy.

He rested his chin on the top of my head. “Tell me, firefly, do we need to get ready to go straight to the nest?”

My awareness of them heightened, focus narrowing on their scents. Butterscotch, cookies, tobacco, and soothing mist. The final days of rehearsals were always a little hectic, and we’d all been distracted. Not likeGiselle, but enough.

And we hadn’t had enough time in the nest.


I nodded, already wanting to cover my nest withthem. “Yes, please. Let’s go home.”

They only waited till we were out of sight before they swept me off my feet.


