Page 5 of Knot For A Moment

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You were right behind me, but I don’t see you.

Where the hell are you!? If I go inside, you can’t get your ticket. Or anything else.

I swear to god, Sloane, if this is a joke, it’s not funny.

Fine. I tried to do something nice for you, and this is how you treat it? Serves me right for even trying.

There was a break for a couple of hours.


So you decided to just bail? After you’re the one who made us late?

That’s a really dick move.

Those tickets were expensive on top of the thing you decided wasn’t worth your time. I thought you wanted to go. Guess I was wrong.


Where the HELL are you??

Fuck this. I don’t need this.

You know, when you said you wanted to go out again, I almost said no. Cause you left the first time. But I gave you a chance and made myself clear that this time it was more. You came back to me, so don’t pretend you don’t want me.

Turns out you’re another Omega bitch looking for a free meal. Next time, I’m not taking you back.

I rolled my eyes. There wasn’t going to be a next time. Learned my lesson there.


Or is this your way of telling me you need me to chase you? That you want more from me, even if I’m already trying?

Fair enough, I can do that, Sloane. But if I give you more, you’re mine. I’ll give you one more chance.

Fuck you for leaving me there and embarrassing me. But don’t worry. Either way, I’ll fuck the lesson into you.

My stomach twisted. He wasn’t wrong. It was a dick move, leaving him there. But it was also a dick move not even to pay attention to the person who was with you.

The rest of it? I didn’t even know what to do with that. But it made me even more glad I left. I knew he’d be pissed, but that was extreme. And definitely not me telling him to try harder. You had to stretch really far to get to that conclusion.

What if it had been a real emergency and someone had died? Maybe he’d be a little more sympathetic.

Whatever. We were done.

Still, I swallowed. Responding to things like this made me nervous. The only reason I’d reached out at all was because my loneliness got the best of me after I went over to Petra’s and saw the way her Alphas looked at her. The tenderness they showed when a loud sound in the kitchen gave her a flashback to the day she’d been taken.

I wanted that.


I’ll reimburse you for the ticket.

Quickly, I shut my phone off and tossed it in my bag. The last thing I needed was to be distracted byCraigtoday, or worse, have my phone go off during company class or the meeting. As it was, Petra would probably give me hell for going out with him again, and she was absolutely right.

I grabbed my keys and jogged out the door. If I wanted to stop for coffee, I needed to hurry. Luckily for me, my favorite coffee shop near the theater wasn’t busy, and I walked up to find most of the company still outside, milling around in the beautiful plaza.

A few dancers smoked away from the others, and one of them spotted me with a grin. “Hey, principal.”
