Page 6 of Knot For A Moment

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“Hello to you too.”

Claire scooped me into a hug, careful not to get any ash on my clothes. “It’s about time, honestly.”

I winced. “I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite me.”

“If the new guy can’t see how fucking talented you are, that’s his problem.” She kept her arm around my shoulder, and I inhaled a breath of her scent. Rich like incense and something a little darker. Mysterious. It was nice. Thankfully. There were some people in the company whose scent I couldn’t stand, though you’d never get me to admit it out loud.

“I agree,” Dion chimed in. “Fuck ‘em. Metaphorically. Unless he’s hot, then maybe actually fuck him. They sent me the bonus rehearsal contract without a meeting, so I haven’t met him.”

I wrinkled my nose. “Not hot. I mean, he’s fine, but I have no plans on… that front.”

They laughed. Dion was one of the few other Omegas in the company, also a principal. Dark skin with chocolatey brown eyes that made you feel warm and welcome no matter what was going on or who was around you. We started at the same time and were fast friends by the end of the first company class.

He also smelled like candy. The kind of sweetness you encountered when walking into a store justfilledwith chocolate and sugar.

“He doesn’t like me,” I said. “I was late to that meeting.”

Unlike last night with Craig, that had actually been my fault. I left lunch with Petra too late to get there in time. In my defense, I hadn’t known the meeting was with new management. I didn’t even know wehadnew management. Mark wouldn’t have cared about the five minutes, but Ian, the new creative director, had been pissed.

Brette, a beta standing next to Dion, snorted. “If he’s that upset about being late to a meeting that didn’t matter, he’s going to have a hell of a time here.”

Most of the dancers in the company had a loose sense of time. Between stretching and getting our shoes on, company class rarely started on time. But we did what we had to, and we always got the work done.

“Noted,” Dion said. “Watch out for the new guy. But circling back, we do need to get you some plans onthat front,” he emphasized the words while rolling his eyes, “this season.”

I raised one eyebrow. “And why is that?”

“Girl.” He looked me up and down. “Because you’re hot as shit, and I don’t want my friend to end up a dried-out husk. You deserve some good dick.”

I winced before I could stop it. Craig’s words still hung around in my brain. “I think I’m good.”

Dion looked at me, sensing the tone. “Want to talk about it?”

“Nope.” The ‘p’ popped. “I very much do not.”

“Well, I’m still determined to get you some dick as good as what I got.”

We laughed together. Dion had three bonded Alphas, and the guys were absolutely head over heels for him. It was cute the way they showed up with flowers, and they were present for more performances than they weren’t.

“Yeah, that would be nice. But I’m not thinking about it right now. The next couple of weeks are already going to be a nightmare.”

“Fucking right,” Claire muttered.

I needed to remind myself to get some bags of ice. My feet were definitely going to need it during the compressed rehearsal period.

Behind us, the roar of an engine sounded. We turned to look and saw someone ride up to the curb on a motorcycle and stop, parking the bike there. The bike was sleek, looking both fast and sexy in ways only motorcycles could.

The ground fell out from underneath me. I knew that bike. And its rider.


Was I still breathing? Probably not. I no longer had the control over my body to inhale. Every part of me was frozen, watching him as he shrugged out of his leather jacket, exposing broad shoulders, perfect abs, and a few tattoos. He had more now than when I saw him last.

“Who’s that?” Dion asked.

The man took off his helmet, and now I couldn’t breathe. Too much. I was struggling not to hyperventilate. This was the last thing I expected today. Was there any way for me to get out of it? Could I fake being sick?

That wouldn’t help with the rest of the season, but maybe I could go hide for a million years.

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