Page 64 of Knot For A Moment

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“I mean you walked in here with Alpha rage pouring off you, and you need to get itoutof the nest before Sloane feels it and wakes up.”

I looked at her and breathed. Just the sight of her calmed me enough to let the anger go. Or rather, let it slip beneath the surface to where I could deal with it later. Asher wasn’t wrong.

“Ian,” I said. “I’ll deal with him after the heat.”

“Do I want to know?”

“No,” I said through gritted teeth. “You really fucking don’t.”

Roman glanced at me. “Are you calm enough to hold her?”

Holding Sloane. The tension melted from me. I needed to hold my Omega so my instincts knew exactly how she was. Safe, breathing, and under our care. “Yes.”

I crossed the nest and lifted her from Roman’s chest, keeping her enveloped in the blanket. Sinking down into the cushions, I let her slight weight anchor me, purr rising without a thought.

She snuggled closer in her sleep, and I just stared at her. This woman—this Omega…

With everything in me, I hoped we could show her exactly what she already meant to us. I wanted her in our home and in our beds. No more separation or questioning. After the heat, she was moving in. The need to hear her say yes was the only thing keeping me from calling a moving company to take care of it while we were locked in here.

Jace came back with bottles of water and a smoothie for Sloane when she woke. “I didn’t know what you guys wanted.”

“Not hungry yet.”

I didn’t think there was anything that would make me move from this spot or release her. Not until her eyes opened. Lifting her upward, I kissed her forehead, just enjoying the feeling of her in my arms.

“It doesn’t feel real,” Ash said softly. “After all this time. I just… I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to her being mine.”

“You will,” I whispered. “Because any world where she’s not ours isn’t one I want to live in.”

Soft murmurs of agreement, and a soft sigh from my very sleepy Omega.

Cuddling her closer, I tucked her head beneath my chin, closed my eyes, and savored the feeling of existing exactly where we were all meant to be.




This purr was nice. Warm and steady. The heady combination of tobacco and vanilla cradled me along with a strong set of arms. My eyes fluttered open, and the first thing I saw was the ceiling of the nest. The lightest portion of the color scheme, with oranges that flickered briefly into yellows in between the twinkly little lights.

“Welcome back, little one.”

I smiled and snuggled deeper into Gabriel and the blanket. The heat wasn’t driving my brain for the moment, so I was choosing to not be quite awake yet.

“Here.” He pressed a cup with a straw into my hands before continuing his slow path of stroking down my body over the blanket I was wrapped in.

Strawberry and banana exploded across my tongue. Icy cold that made me shiver when I was a being currently made of fire.

“Is it good?”

I nodded, leaning my head on his chest and not removing the straw from my lips. It was good. Jace made it, because he made the best smoothies. I needed to thank him later. Preferably by making him give mehisbutterscotch smoothie.

My secret smile at the thought didn’t go unnoticed. The Alpha in question appeared in my line of vision. “Am I going to have to fuck the thoughts out of you again, baby girl?”

I shook my head.

His eyes crinkled with his smile. “Good.”
