Page 84 of Thorns of Frost

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Furious rage scoured through me, and I called upon my air elemental affinity. I slammed a huge bubble of air into Georgyanna, crumpling her wings behind her like tissue paper.

She screamed in pain and began to fall too, but then a lasso of fire erupted from her. It moved so fast it was about to hit me in the chest until I ripped my own fire element from my gut.

Our powers collided in an explosion, her fire trying to burn through mine and mine hers. A ring of heat grew between us, sweat pouring from me due to her element, but I didn’t let it deter me.

I sped up the air bubble behind her, and she screamed in terror as she barreled right toward our colliding fires.

She released her fire at the last possible moment, and I knew I could have kept mine ignited. I could have burned her to death right there, but I relinquished my fire and concentrated more on my air affinity. Her eyes widened in horror as she fell right toward me. Her wings spread. She tried to gain the upper hand again, but righteous anger at all she’d done to me narrowed my concentration until all I thought about was bringing that witch to my side.

The second she came within my grasp, I ripped the flag from her fingertips, and she flew right past me.

She plummeted toward the ground faster than I was, but I was still free falling. If I didn’t mistphasenow, I was seconds away from landing in a pile of broken bones and shredded skin for the entire capital to witness.

I dispersed my air affinity from behind Georgyanna, allowing her to fly once more as I gripped the flag tightly to my chest.

I pictured the top of the dais upon which Prince Norivun sat. I pictured his smile, his hooded eyes, and imagined his alluring scent. I called upon the bond that tethered us, the unbreakable cord that the gods had placed between our souls.

My magic unfurled within me again, as though wanting to join my magic to his. Wind screamed through my ears as the air around me grew warmer. Denser. The ground was fast approaching, but I didn’t let my concentration wane. I pictured the prince, mymate.

And then the world disappeared again in a blur of mist and shadows, air and wind.

My feet came to a sudden stop on a solid surface. The crowd immediately erupted into shrieks of disbelief and wild furor.

I opened my eyes to see King Novakin swivel around on his throne as a look of complete bewilderment painted his face. I thrust the flag toward him, bowing low on instinct as my heart thundered in my ears.

The flag was still in my hand, the silky material balled so tightly in my fist that it took a moment before I released it to the king. But when my hands were free, I reached out and came in contact with warm fingers that wrapped around mine.

The crown prince squeezed my hand as a shocked grin split his face. Somehow, I’d mistphased just to the left of his throne.

“Well, hello there,” he said with a crooked smile.

And with catlike grace, he rose to his feet as pride and wonder lifted his lips even more.

I straightened as he raised our hands, bringing them high in the air as the crowd’s cheers rose even more before he declared, “Ilara Seary, daughter of Mervalee Territory, has won the first test!”


Iwon? I actually won?I gazed in shock at the crown prince as Sir Featherton rushed to the top of the dais, all smiles and congratulations as the other three females flapped back to the ground.

Meegana beamed at me as Beatrice gave a nod of congratulations even though disappointment soured her expression.

Only Georgyanna gave me the death glare. Fury rippled through the Kroravee native’s features, and the pure hatred that shone from her eyes made me look away as ice-cold dread slid through me.

But then I caught Matron Olsander’s brimming smile and my sister jumping in the distance as she clapped her hands from the bottom of the stairs, and any concern I’d had over Georgyanna exacting revenge melted away.

I’d won the first test. And now, I was only two tests away from winning this competition, bonding with my mate, and righting all of the wrongs that his tyrant father had set out to do on his hundred-winters-long, power-infused reign.

Nuwin grinned and clapped my back as Prince Norivun lingered at my side. The crown prince had dropped my hand, his expression impossible to read, but I had a feeling that was because the king had also risen from his throne to face us.

Sir Featherton waved his arms to shush the crowd, and I forced my smile to widen as the cheers finally subsided, but the king’s penetrating assessment of me, and then his son, grazed over my skin like hot razors.

I subtly took another step away from Norivun as the crown prince’s wings rippled.

The king arched an eyebrow. “Norivun, aren’t you going to properly congratulate our winner?” His booming voice resonated over the courtyard.

Eager energy buzzed through the crowd.

“Father?” Norivun cocked his head. A breeze ruffled the silver hair skimming his shoulders, sending a few strands to brush against his jaw.

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