Page 90 of Thorns of Frost

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“What about you? Are you loyal to your father?”

“Of course.”

I cocked my head. “That was a quick response.”

“Because it’s true.”

“So you would support your father attempting to overthrow the king?”

Michas glanced over his shoulder to the empty balcony behind us, then to the open courtyard. But no one was around. Still, he hissed quietly, “Lower your voice.”

I took another step closer to him and said in a softer tone, “Are you afraid of being executed if such treasonous talk gets out?”

He gripped my elbow and pulled me to the corner of the balcony, but his movements were filled with fear, not aggression. “The king would executeanyonewho planned treason as would be his right.”

“Yet you still take that risk. You and your father. Why?”

“Because—” He paused, then eyed me warily. “Never mind. We don’t support any treasonous movements. Long live King Novakin.”

I rolled my eyes. “Who do you think you’re fooling, Michas? I saw enough on the first night we met to know you’re actively seeking willing participants to join your father. And you saw me as someone new to the court with potential for rising to some kind of power. You saw me as a valuable ally. And now, as the potential future queen, surely your outlook on my value hasn’t changed?”

His chest rose faster, but in the cool night with lights from inside the dining hall spilling out onto the balcony, his face was dipped in shadows. Yet I felt him studying me, weighing...something.

“I’ve been nothing but truthful with you so far,” I pressed. “Don’t shut me out. Tell me what your father is planning. Tell me what you know.”

He studied me for a long moment. Seconds passed, but I waited.

Finally, after letting out a deep sigh, he said, “My father is concerned that—”

The door on the other end of the balcony whipped open, and Georgyanna and her date stumbled out. Michas immediately stiffened, his hand wrapping around my elbow as the two drew up short when they spotted us.

“Are you two still out here?” the male asked. He was a noble from Isalee territory who I’d had a date with last week.

“It would appear they are, and they’re lingering in a dark corner from the looks of it.” Georgyanna grinned as her affinity puffed in wafts from her. That slimy feeling tried to coat me, but my Shield repelled it. “What would the crown prince have to say about that, I wonder?”

“He wouldn’t have anything to say as I was just leaving.” Michas gave a formal bow in my direction and refused to meet my gaze. “Good night, Lady Seary. Thank you for a pleasant evening.”

And with that, he turned away and took my chance with him at learning what really drove his father.


They gave us two days to rest before our next test. Two days to stew over what was to come. And when the day finally arrived, I was more than ready to get it over with.

“Are you nervous?” Cailis asked as Daiseeum braided my black hair in a long line down my back.

“Yes,” I replied, tapping my foot on the stone floor as nerves tumbled my stomach. “I have no idea what this next test involves. All I know is that we’re meeting in the courtyard before mistphasing somewhere.” My anxiety was heightened even more because of what else had happened in the past day.

Three more fae had been reported missing. They’d all disappeared without a trace. And what was most concerning about that was the sheer number.Three. Before it had always been one.

Cailis frowned. “I don’t understand why I can’t come to watch and why no other fae are invited.”

“They say the area is too small for spectators at this one. And something about it being far away, so it would be difficult for those who can’t mistphase to attend.” The knotting twists in my stomach resumed. Not even Matron Olsander was allowed at the second test. I was on my own.

“Did they say why it’s so far away? Or where it is?” my sister pressed.

“No.” My fingers trembled as I smoothed a few strands of hair behind my ears.

Daiseeum used her magic to tame the wisps. “There. All done.” She patted my shoulder. “You shall exceed today like you did at the first test. I just know it.”
