Page 52 of Ruthless Roses

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Ernest fumbles for his phone in his pocket to silence the malfunctioning app. “What in the world—?”

“Is that the app for our security system?” Delphine asks incredulously. “Why do you have it downloaded onto your phone? Why do you have access to ours?”

“Person of interest, Delphine Rose Adams Mancino, is currently in the east wing of the home. Would you like to see live footage?” the app asks.

“This isn’t me!” Ernest cries out, smashing his finger against his phone screen. “I have no idea why it’s doing this—it’s never done this before.”

“Before? So you do have it on your phone?”


“Answer me!” she roars. Her hands curl at her sides, her eyes sharp and furious. “Are you spying on me again? Did you figure out some new way to watch me? Is that how you’ve known about Dominic and when to show up at the hospital and birthing center? Is this more Thomas Tech?”

“Thomas Tech,” the app answers in the same blasé cool voice, “owned by Damon Thomas. Blue Star is a subsidiary of the international technology company. Would you like to hear about the company history or speak to customer service?”

“NO!” Delphine yells at his phone.

“I’m being sabotaged,” Ernest says. “Don’t you see? Someone’s hacked my phone—this app won’t turn off or let me exit. It’s talking to me like it’s never talked before.”

“GET OUT! I just… I want you gone, Dad.”

“Listen to me for one second, Delphine. If you can’t figure out what’s really going on here, then maybe my daughter isn’t as intelligent as I thought!”

“That’s enough.”

My voice startles them both. They freeze mid-argument, looking over to find me in the doorway to the parlor they’ve stopped in. I keep my composure, a coolness about me that’s uncannily similar to the AI on Ernest’s hacked app, but without the faked friendliness of earlier.

“I’m afraid you have to leave, Ernest,” I say. “You heard my wife. She doesn’t want you here anymore.”

“YOU!” Ernest bellows, and he explodes. He explodes in a way he never has before—barreling toward me in a blind fit of anger as his temper finally snaps.

Icouldblock him or fend him off.

But, for once, I choose not to. I stand by and let him get his lick in.

So Delphine can see the extent of his hatred. So she can see for herself what I’ve dealt with for almost two decades.

Ernest Adams’s fist connects with my brow. He doesn’t hold back—he puts his strength into the punch. I lean into its impact and how it knocks me off-kilter, staggering a step sideways.

“STOP IT!” Delphine screams at the top of her lungs. She jumps in between us as he raises his fist for another blow.

Even with my temple throbbing, I’m acutely in tune with the situation. My reflexes are on guard in case I need to pull Delphine out of the way andtrulyfight Ernest for real.

I let him get his hit in for a purpose. But his violence stops there—I’ll have him on his ass in less than a second if he continues.

“It’s time to go,” I say, nudging Delphine out of the way. “Now. Allow me to have you escorted out.”

Unclipping the radio on my belt, I call for my security on shift. They arrive within seconds, flanking Ernest on either side.

“You can’t do this. This is ridiculous! Delphi, don’t you see what he’s doing? Don’t you see how he’s tricked me?!”

“The only thing I know is that you came to our house, yelled at us, sulked the entire time, and then had the nerve to put your hands on my husband. This was a mistake. There’s no fixing this. I don’t want to see you again.” Delphine turns away.

I trail behind security as they show Ernest out. He doesn’t struggle ’til they reach the double doors. Then he spins around on me, his eyes wide and manic. Darker than I’ve ever seen them. He bares his teeth and speaks with an edgy desperation he’s not known for.

“You’ve won this time, Mancino,” he admits. “You’ve outplayed me. But you’ll regret what you’ve done. I’ll make sure of it!”

“Toss his ass out,” I order my men.
