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Not knowing exactly where he was, Madison went with her gut instinct, which felt stronger than ever. At that moment, she sensed where she might find him, and she let this instinct lead the way. She found herself standing outside of his office.

She knew that he was behind the door without opening it. His presence to her was like a siren now. Without knocking, Madison entered and found Fletcher leaning over his desk, head in his hands as his fingers gripped at his hair.

When she looked closer, it appeared as if he had fallen asleep that way.

She stepped into the room. Before she even got completely past the threshold of the doorway and called for him, his head snapped up.

His eyes took a moment before locking in and seeing that she was standing before him. “Madison?”

She smiled and shut the door behind her.

In a second’s breath, Fletcher was by her side, hand cradling her head as he ran his other over her face and shoulders. Seeing Fletcher now that she was freshly bonded to him was unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

She was so turned on the moment his eyes met hers that it caused her inner wolf to stir restlessly, being so close to her mate and not jumping his bones.

Her wolf had never called to her this loudly before. It was intoxicating to feel on the verge of being split by two realities. Each included Fletcher tearing apart her clothes, spreading her wide, and lapping her up.

She felt the energy shift from thankfulness to lust and knew Fletcher’s wolf was howling just as loudly for her as hers was for him.

Madison took Fletcher’s hand that was running down her arm and guided it to her crotch. She could feel how warm she was through her clothes. Her body was giving off so much heat that nothing would cool her off until Fletcher had his way with her.

He pressed his hand against her once it had reached its destination. She reached out and grabbed his growing erection and cupped his balls. She leaned in and whispered, “I need this in my mouth.”

She unhooked his pants in one motion and dropped them down. She hooked her finger into the sideband of his underwear and tore them off. His eyes widened for a moment in surprise, but arousal poured through them into his growing smile, encouraging Madison even more.

She dropped to her knees and took him all in with an aggressive motion to show her need.

He moaned as she vacuumed her lips around his member and ran her tongue around it as she bobbed her head back and forth, pressing him deep into the back of her throat.

“Mmm, fuck,” he groaned. He dropped his hand on her head and hooked his fingers into her dark strands.

Her palm wrapped around the base of his cock, still in her mouth, and pumped up and down as it followed her saliva trail. She’d squeeze here and there, triggering more noises from Fletcher as he responded to the added friction.

Wetness was pooling between her thighs, her panties completely soaked as she felt how turned on not only she was, but Fletcher was as well. The bond made his desires loud and clear to her just how much she affected him.

She could taste his drippings. They were salty and sweet all at once. She wanted all of that to flood inside of her with his release.

She moved her mouth further south, taking his balls one at a time inside her mouth, making sure to be gentle with them.

He sucked in a breath as she tried to not smile. She massaged him with her tongue.

“Fuck, that feels good.” His hand pulled her hair a little harder.

Now that he was warmed up to the idea, Madison moved her tongue faster, stimulating his already highly sensitive nerve endings even more.

“Fuck. Holy shit, Madison.”

Before he could finish, Madison pulled off and leaned back on her heels. “My turn.” She smiled wickedly.

Fletcher returned the facial expression and stood her up, only to rip her shirt off.

The sound was almost a trigger for the two mates. They threw themselves at each other in a hungry frenzy of kissing and moans. Clothes were being shredded, and biting of the neck and ears caused loud groans.

When there was nothing left besides shreds of material, Fletcher pushed Madison onto the leather couch in the office. He set one of her legs over the back and the other to hang off, opening her for him to see everything.

She wanted him to go down on her, but she wouldn’t be mad if he just slammed his hard, skilled cock into her wet pussy.

As she contemplated with herself about what she wanted more, Fletcher had already decided.
