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She opened her door and began to disrobe from her teaching clothes into something that was much comfier and required no bra.

Lily threw on her favorite oversized sweatshirt and loose-fitting leggings. Her wavy hair went into a messy bun while she chucked her bra in the laundry and grabbed her glasses.

For her, sometimes the best part of her day was coming home and relaxing. The only thing she would have preferred was if she had her own little one to come home to instead of just her empty house.

“Hopefully soon,” she murmured to herself as she went to look in the fridge.

She was trying to decide between reheating leftovers or ordering a pizza when she heard a knock.

Thinking that it was just a package of sorts, Lily waited a moment before opening the door to retrieve the mail.

“I’ll just order something,” she decided as she walked to her door. She flung it open and stood frozen for a moment out of sheer shock. Once that wore off, the embarrassment started to settle in.

Gabriel stood on the other side with groceries, looking gorgeous as always. He raised the bags up and smiled his panty-soaking smile. “I thought we could have dinner. I brought everything to make proper spaghetti and garlic bread. I also brought wine in case the food was not good.”

She laughed as she opened the door wider. “You surprised me. I wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon.”

Gabriel walked in and looked Lily over. “I’m sorry if I was interrupting something. I figured it was early enough that you wouldn’t have made any plans yet.”

Lily felt her cheeks redden as she looked down at her lounge attire. “No, you didn’t interrupt anything. I just got home from work, and this was my immediate change of clothes. Just give me a moment to go and change. I’ll be right back.” She went to turn to leave, but Gabriel grabbed her arm.

With hardly any force, he pulled her toward him. Suddenly, her body was pressed against his, and she was very aware of how his pelvis brushed against hers.

She swallowed the gasp, though she couldn’t stop her breath from hitching in her throat.

“You don’t need to do that.”

His voice warmed her face as his smooth tenor voice vibrated her insides. She could feel her panties start to dampen with her desires.

“I think you look great the way you are. Much more comfortable, and that’s what I want you to be. We’re in your home, after all.”

Lily’s hardening nipples were thankfully hidden by her oversized crew neck. “Okay, if you say so.” She went back to the kitchen with a shrug. “I just wish I had something to give you to make you feel more on my level,” she said, walking away.

She grabbed a wine opener from one of her drawers and turned back around. “Oh, my God!” Her hand shot over her mouth as she tried to stop herself from doubling over in laughter.

Gabriel stood in her living room with his pants removed. His shirt and boxers were paired nicely with his tall white socks. He stood with a smile, unashamed. “Does this work? Because if I was relaxing, this is the closest that I could get.”

Lily wiped a tear from her eye as she regained control of her breathing. “Oh, that’s how you relax?”

He gave her a sly look. “Well, this is the safe way to relax since we’re cooking. There could be splatter, so I can’t be as … relaxed as I’d usually be.”

Lily’s lower body blazed with heat as she thought about Gabriel in even fewer clothes than he was already in.

Her urge to strip him down rose, but she pushed it down …in due time. Don’t build it up so much that it can only let you down,she warned herself.

She was beginning to think that something was wrong with her. She had never been the kind of person to only want sex, but right now, it was almost all she could think about around him. He called to her in such a way that Lily was sure she was losing her mind.

Still, she liked how the thrill of it all felt. And if she was going to get her dream from all of this, even better.

Remembering Sophia’s advice about enjoying the ride, Lily smiled wider. “As long as you’re comfortable.” She slid the wine opener over to her half-naked guest and grabbed them both a glass.

He popped the cork and poured. “So, spaghetti works for you?”

Lily sipped the red wine before answering. She wanted to see how well he paired his wine. “Oh yeah. Spaghetti will be perfect with this.”

He grinned. “I’m glad you like it.”

“If you couldn’t tell from our first date, I do enjoy the occasional glass.” She giggled as she grabbed a pot and pan.
