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Walter had folded the blueprint, as well as a few scattered notes, into one single thick pile of paper at a sensational speed. Mark and Lucas were all smiles, greeting Lily and standing in front of the table without Lily noticing.

“So lovely to see you again, Lily!” Lucas exclaimed, clapping his hands around Lily’s. “You really have helped this man clean up his act. I hope you know we are thankful for it.”

Gabriel gave Lucas a scowl as Walter shoved the rest of his blueprint into his briefcase. Once it was clicked shut, he parted the waters between Lucas and Mark, taking Lily by the wrists with a big, bold grin on his face.

“Welcome back, darling,” he said, kissing each cheek. “You look stunning, as usual."

Lily’s eyes narrowed, her lips pressed into a thin line, watching as the three shifters filtered back inside, saying their farewells for the day. The sky had started to clear again, the sunshine making Lily’s bright eyes sparkle.

“What are you up to?” she said, shaking her hands from his grip and crossing her arms. “What is all this suspicious activity out here …”

Gabriel growled, yanking her in by the hips. He buried his face into her neck, breathing in her dizzying bouquet.

She giggled, feigning restraint, then pulled him in closer, slinking her arms around his neck. He felt her body warming for him, her snug skin its own electric blanket.

When he pulled away, she groaned. He kept his hands on her waist, adoring the endearing way she looked up at him.

“I want to show you something," he whispered.

Lily cocked an eyebrow, then slid her tongue between her teeth. It was very difficult to resist her. But he did want to show her something beyond his skills in the bedroom.

“You can show me anything,” she said in a sensual voice, her fingers crawling down the front of his chest. "Though this morning was a nice Olympic event …”

Gabriel bubbled up a laugh, then took Lily by the hand. Her eyes seemed to glow almost gold for a second as he led her through the door of the terrace, the hallway, and then back down the stairs. She seemed disappointed when they emerged into the sun again.

“I thought we were …”

She pouted at him, which was devilishly sexy. His cock stood at attention, but that would need to wait. They had so much time to explore each other’s bodies.

“Later. Right now, I want to show you something else. Something exciting."

They stood in the backyard next to a garden of sublime roses. Gabriel took a step back, letting his fingers slide out from between those of his mate. She watched him closely, her chest beginning to rise and fall at the speed of a racing steed.

She looked a little frightened, but that wouldn't last long. Gabriel knew within the depths of his soul that she was going to like what she saw. It was intimate for a shifter to show off his animal side, especially to a human. There was always potential for things to go south, so it was a risk.

But it was an invigorating risk he wanted to take.

Before the great alpha shifted into his magnificent tiger form, he closed his eyes. He saw their lives ahead of them sprawling in a field together, little cubs running around as they cuddled in each other's embrace. He traveled through space and time, just knowing.

A dream he wanted to share.



“It’ll be okay, I promise.” Gabriel’s voice came to her calmly across the crisp air.

Her heart thumped wildly against her chest. She was growing more and more nervous as the seconds ticked by. Lily had a feeling she knew what he may be about to do, and it terrified yet fascinated her. She wasn’t sure how she was going to react when she saw Gabriel’s shifter side.

She looked into his eyes and saw the softness radiating from them. It soothed her and told her to keep her focus on his eyes. That’s who he was, and that would always remain.

Lily focused on the green that faded to gold the closer it got to his pupil. Her breathing steadied as she gave a slight nod to her excited counterpart.

“Try to control yourself. This is for necessary purposes,” he teased as he started to remove his clothing.

“I’ll try my hardest,” she replied jokingly.

He tried to stifle his grin as he stripped down and stepped back.
