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“I know. I know. It’s about a family. Having your own child. I’m just saying it does seem to double as a dating site as well. Especially if this is on the table right off of the bat.”

Lily stifled a harsh chuckle as she reread the question one more time before typing in her answer.

There is no artificial way to inseminate a human successfully from a shifter. In order to achieve success for a child, it will need to be done through physical intercourse. Do you agree to participate in this activity? *Please note that all participants are screened and tested before meeting up with their potential partner.

Lily grinned as she shook her head and typed in her answer.


She electronically signed her name and dated it. “Well, that’s it. It’s filled out.”

“Are you sure?”

Out of paranoia, Lily scrolled back through to make sure everything was completed correctly and made sure there were no grammatical errors. The last thing she wanted was to seem careless.

“It’s good.”

“Then go for it,” Sophia urged.

“How long does this usually take to hear back?”

“I don’t know. Whenever someone submits an application that matches with you, I guess. It’s probably different for everyone.”

Lily tapped her fingers on her teeth as her mind swarmed with negativity. She was trying to calm her anxiety about what she hadn’t thought of that could go wrong.

“What if this affects my job? I can’t leave the kids hanging.”

“How would it affect your job any differently than if you had gotten a baby through any of the other ways?”

Lily stared at the screen. She had no answer to that.

Sophia placed her hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to do this. I was just trying to help you find other ways to achieve what you want. It’s not worth the stress. If it doesn’t feel right …”

“That’s the thing,” Lily interrupted. “It feels more than right. It scares me because I feel so hopeful and sure about this that I’m scared I’ll crash like I have every time before.”

Sophia said nothing, just stared at her.

“Fuck it,” Lily said, repeating her new favorite phrase.

She pressed submit and waited for her prayers to be answered.

This was her last hope.



“I promise. It’s legit.” The lean, athletic male paced back and forth, running a hand through his short, dark hair. He was starting to regret telling his mother about what he’d done.

“How can you be so sure?” the pride’s matriarch countered as she exhaustedly took a seat across the desk from her son’s office chair. “Honestly, Gabriel.”

Gabriel watched the graceful and aged tigress beckon him to sit. He may have become the alpha of the pride since his father passed, but his mother still held hierarchy over him. Her looks said more than her words ever needed to. A trait he was hoping to nail down.

He took a seat with a huff and looked across at her.

Her warm brown eyes were deceiving. She was wise, even among the elders. Many came to her for guidance. Luckily, Gabriel was her son, so he received free sessions.Not.

“I’ve talked to a few other shifters that have gone through the process. It came out with good results. Some even found their fated mates.”
