Page 16 of Bear

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Chapter Ten

It had been a weeksince Winnie and Remi had escaped being burned alive. Bear had been called out the next morning for the MC and had to leave Winnie with a note. Holding her in his arms all night, her scent wrapping around him, had made him determined to do whatever it took to have her in his life. He wasn’t sure how he was going to accomplish it but he’d do whatever it took to make her his.

He’d loved having her feel comfortable enough to fall asleep on his shoulder but he’d wanted to share what had held him back. He’d realized it was time to show Winnie what she meant to him. He’d been so busy trying to help keep everyone safe all by himself for so long, he’d ignored the huge MC family he had at his back.

If he and Winnie were going to have a life together, which they were, then it was time to open up and get help. He’d had flowers delivered which had cost him a whack. The closest flower shop was sixty miles away but it had been worth it.

Yesterday, he’d had an ice cream maker along with all the ingredients to make healthy ice cream delivered. He’d been chatting with Regina and she’d mentioned Winnie was looking at getting one because she was frustrated there weren’t any healthy options around.

He’d also included a note inviting Winnie to dinner today in the empty building by the diner. He wanted to spend time with Winnie but also show her his plans. He’d never felt this way before—where he wanted to share his day and his plans with someone.

He’d been looking at the building yesterday and thinking about possibilities. He had to stop himself from calling her so many times to ask her opinion.

He’d never planned on falling in love with someone ten years younger but like her note had said, when she walked in, she pushed that glimmer of light into his life.

The glimmer built until his whole life was lit with her sunshine. She pushed back the doubts but with his personality, he still worried. She was it for him but could he keep her safe? Probably not alone, but it was time he used everything at his disposal.

“Bear? Are you here?”

Winnie’s voice from downstairs had him walking toward the top of the stairs.

“Up here, Sunbeam.”

Winnie’s smile as she rushed up the stairs had him pulling her close. She had on her signature jeans that cupped every curve he loved, a v-neck t-shirt, which highlighted her delicate neck, and a leather jacket.

He slid his hand into her hair, tilting her head to reach her lips. He swept in, tasting his woman. The one who was meant for him. His Winnie wasn’t an inactive participant. She stepped flush with him, rubbing her mound against him.

Seconds in her presence and he could pound nails with his dick. He needed to slow this down. He had a special evening planned and it would end with him inside her, but he was letting her know how special she was first.

“Woman, you go to my head and make me want to throw my plans out the window, but I’m denying myself until later.”

Her giggle as she followed him brought a smirk to his face. He didn’t smile. It wasn’t a part of his personality, but being around his sunbeam had him wanting to be what she needed.

He wanted a picnic experience but the floors up here were rough and he wasn’t going to chance splinters. He’d set up a round table with two chairs close together. Regina had given him a red-and-white-checked tablecloth. He’d strung strings of Edison lights from the rafters to create the mood. He had a playlist on his phone coming through a small speaker.

“Benton, it’s beautiful.”

He pulled out her chair, waiting until she sat to help her move closer. He walked to the warming area he’d set up and picked up the dishes.

“I tried to think of something I could make that you didn’t get to have very often. I decided to see if one of your sisters could keep a secret.”

Winnie smiled and his chest hurt with the feeling it gave him.

“It must not have been Jesse then because she can’t keep secrets. I never tell her anything about birthdays or Christmas.”

“No, not Jesse. Sarah suggested this. I made homemade Chinese food with fried rice, sweet ‘n’ sour chicken. Then I worried what if you didn’t like how I made it, so I made her second item on the list which was salmon, avocado and cucumber sushi rolls.”

“Oh, Benton, everything looks so good. Why is there one dish still covered?”

“Then I thought, what if she hates both, so I made the third thing on the list which was tacos with homemade salsa and guacamole.”
