Page 17 of Bear

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Winnie leaned up toward Benton, tugging on the collar of his shirt, pulling him close. Her lips kissed his cheek as she whispered, “You are perfect.”

He sat down and waited for Winnie to pick what she wanted on her plate before he did his. He waited until she took her first bite of food and realized this was a different feeling for him. He was content with just spending time with his woman. He could do this.

Bear waited until Winnie finished her last bite. He cleaned up their dishes then grasped her hand, leading her to the area he’d cleared. He waited until the next song started to pull her flush against him and sway to the music.

Winnie let Bear swaywith her to the music then really listened to the music. She jerked her head and saw his smirk.

“You watched the show I wanted you to?”

“Of course. You couldn’t stop talking about it.”

She waited for Bear to continue then knew she’d need to prod him a little. “And?”

“It was good. I didn’t like when he left her, though. That was a dick move.”

She snuggled her head on his shoulder. Trust her man to be annoyed with a third act breakup. Winnie and all her sisters adored romance novels. They read more ebooks now because of the cost and convenience but Winnie wanted a library someday with the ladder she could roll along the bookshelves.

“Tonight has been perfect. I love your plans for the diner and the addition. Is this space going to be used? The lights with the rafters are very romantic.”

Bear brushed a kiss against her forehead then twirled her away from him then back snug against him. Being in his arms could become addicting but she was okay with that. She’d loved him for years and he was finally coming to terms with their love. Bear wouldn’t admit it yet because he’d been conditioned to doubt everything.

He’d need time, which was why she wanted to keep this just between them. Besides Regina and Sarah, no one knew and she was planning on keeping it that way. Bear could think it was because she wanted to keep everything to herself but she was doing it for him.

She was giving him what he needed—time. Time to come to terms with their love and that he could trust her. The MC was a huge family that she loved deeply but there were downsides. If the guys knew they were dating, there’d be teasing. Her dad and Rascal would push Bear to make a statement—to claim her. She wanted to be claimed but she wanted it to be because Bear couldn’t live without her, not forced into it because she was the daughter of one of the original members.

She breathed in Bear’s scent. He smelled of the outdoors and a bakery. The yeasty smell that made your stomach rumble and want to dive into a pastry.

“Are you sniffing me?”

She giggled. “Maybe. I like smelling you.”

His lips caressed her cheek and trailed kisses down her neck. “You keep smelling me. I’m feeling a little peckish. I think I need to try out my dessert.”

His hands coasted down, sliding underneath her shirt. His touch against her stomach had her breathing deep. He paused, glanced around, then slid an arm under her leg, lifting her.

“The floor’s rough but that table looks perfect to lay you down on and feast.”

He sat her on the table, turned and grabbed the tablecloth, and laid it down. Lifting her, he situated her then reached for her neck, pulling her closer. Knowing her guy, he’d thought through ten scenarios of bad things that could happen if he just pulled her clothes off on the dusty table. She didn’t care. She loved everything about him, except maybe she could get him moving a little faster. He hadn’t been inside her since that first time and almost three months was too long to go without her man. Thank goodness he finally pulled his head out of his ass.

Winnie cupped Benton’s hardness, sliding her finger up and down the length through his jeans. “I want you, Benton.” His hands helped her lie back, then efficiently had her boots, jeans and panties off and folded on the floor.

Then he paused and pulled her back up. His hand slid into her hair as his lips claimed hers. The kiss went on as she tried to get closer to Bear. She wanted him against her. When his lips pulled away, he’d already divested her of her shirt and bra.

“I couldn’t not see those gorgeous breasts as I feasted.”

Winnie looked down at her chest, brushing a finger along her side. She’d come to terms with her less than big chest. Bear seemed to enjoy her in the hotel but she still felt inadequate compared to others.

“They’re not very big.”

Bear shook his head. “Winnie, you’re fucking perfect. You are beautiful. You’re a badass bounty hunter who helps others defend themselves.”

He grasped her thighs, pulling her to the edge and holding them apart. His eyes trailed from her breasts down to her mound.

“Now, let me taste some of my sunbeam. Feel free to make as much noise as you want because no one’s in the building, plus I’ve got an in with the manager.”

His warm breath heralded his tongue tracing close to her center. A shiver raced through her. She dropped her head back and let herself enjoy. It had been too long and feeling his tongue tracing her had her shaking. His beard brushing against her was an added sensation she’d missed. His finger traced around her core then slid in. She’d waited so long to have her Benton but he was hers now. His beard, his tongue and his finger touching her had her exploding. Her legs shook as fireworks exploded behind her eyelids.

Once she came down, she grasped his hair. “Now, inside me.”
