Page 3 of Bear

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Chapter Three

Winnie watched thefeeds, worried for Bear and her sister, Remington. When their security client had requested a change of location, Sarah, who was their sister and computer guru for their joint security company with the MC and Franks and Daughters Bail Bonds, had sent an SOS to have backup in Dodge City. Winnie and Beth, along with four of the MC members, had hauled ass and made the hour and a half drive in seventy minutes.

Beth had driven, which had left Winnie entirely too much time to think about the last week. Bear had ignored every text and call she’d sent. She’d even dropped in at the clubhouse trying to catch a glimpse of him. She’d need to check to see if he was watching surveillance. She’d supposedly missed him both times.

He might think ignoring her would work but he didn’t know the woman she’d become. When she’d first been attracted to him, she chalked it up to a crush. She’d caught a glimpse of him when she was twenty-three. She’d brought a guy she’d met at a gym as her date to an MC party. It was the only time she went out with him. Once she saw the adult Bear, she’d known the guy she was with wasn’t long-term dating material.

She’d admit she imagined Bear as the hero in any book she read and she read a lot. All her sisters did. When he’d consulted with her on the gym five years ago, she’d gotten to know him. They’d chatted online and he’d come to the property a couple of times. She had manufactured a couple of questions just to spend time with him.

Last week when her dreams had finally come true and he’d treated her like a woman, she’d known it wouldn’t be an easy road. Although she was closest to Remington, Sarah had been the one she’d confided in this week. She was closer to Bear’s age and could give Winnie some insight.

As she’d listened to Sarah talk about his birth mother, Winnie had known she and Bear’s love story wasn’t going to be easy. Was anything worth having easy? Winnie and her sisters had fought for every advance they made in their bail bonds business. Their dad, Locks, was their biggest cheerleader but he could only do so much.

The addition of the security company had brought its own share of problems. Clients sometimes ignored her and her sisters and only spoke to the male security personnel—not that she or her sisters allowed it to go on very long.

If Bear thought ignoring her for a week would make her give up, he was mistaken. People underestimated her sunshine personality. Her sunshine was a cloak around a will of steel. She’d set multiple goals over the years and met them all because she never quit. You only fail if you stop, and she never stopped.

“Anything?” War asked as he glanced at her screens. As president of the MC, he and Remington had been butting heads recently but he’d been fine to work with tonight.

Winnie shook her head. “No, but everything inside me is screaming something’s off. Let’s move next door to the bar in the hotel. I want to be closer.”

War paid their tab and before the group walked into the hotel, he paused.

“Put on your vests. You can stage in the bar, but I want to be closer. I’m heading to the stairwell and staging on the floor below.”

Winnie agreed. She slid her vest on, tightening it and checking her gun.

They split into two teams, going up both sets of stairs.

Code Ross - Three imminent.

Winnie’s heart beat faster but she concentrated on doing her job. The code for help needed had them hurrying up the stairs. All the security people had watches which allowed texts to come through and had a panic alarm you could push to request emergency services. Winnie led her group into the hallway and spotted the lone gunman. She pulled and shot him but clipped his shoulder as someone else’s bullet hit him, too. Beth and Cannon moved to confirm he was down as Winnie followed War into the room.

She catalogued the door had been blown with explosives, which indicated these weren’t your average team. They had access to higher grade items.

The smell of gunfire hung in the air, but it was quiet. Too quiet. Winnie broke off to check the status of the downed man near the bar. She checked his pulse, not that she was expecting it. He’d taken a head shot. She shook her head, notifying War the man wouldn’t be targeting them.

He motioned he was taking the lead into the bedroom. She checked the balcony door to see if it had been breached. It was still locked.
