Page 37 of Bear

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Winnie stared at her usually calm sister. She wasn’t sure what was going on with Sarah but she was sure she’d find out when her sister was ready.

“Since we could hear all those from the kitchen, Phoebe said you should probably bring a lot of money because she said you have a potty mouth. I vote for a dollar and maybe keep track of the worst offenders with them getting an extra fine at the end of the month.”

Winnie snorted, then couldn’t hold her laughter in. Remington laughed so hard she bent over. Jesse laughed until tears came out her eyes. Beth laughed but shook her finger at Sarah.

“Listen, chick, as the youngest, I’ve dealt with you guys always being better than me. Remington shoots the best. Sarah bakes the best. Winnie fights the best and runs the fastest. Jesse can fix anything mechanical under the sun and still look cute doing it in her pink coveralls. If you think I’m giving up the title of most inventive cusser, think again.” Beth punctuated each item by poking her finger in each sister’s chest.

“I think you’re good at a lot of things, Beth. Heck, on surveillance you change your appearance like a chameleon and sometimes even I can’t recognize you.” Winnie pulled Beth close, leaning her head against her sister’s. “And honestly, without you all I wouldn’t have survived the first eighteen hours with the kids.”

Watching the squabbling and ribbing between her sisters gave her a sense of peace. Her kids would grow up with a family who knew how to love but also disagree. She and Bear may have just started out on this journey with the kids together but she had no doubts they would make a loving home for the kids. Now if they could figure out what to name the baby.

Bear held the boardas Whiskey nailed the pieces together. Bear was grateful Whiskey and his brothers and cousins had helped. They were almost finished with the fort that the kids climbed up into to slide down.

Even though the sisters’ houses were separated from the bail bonds building by a gate, he’d wanted something more when they realized in front of the houses was the best place for the playground.

Rascal and Locks were currently working with Whiskey’s brother, Hennessey, and Gage on how best to install it but still have it look good. Rascal and Gage were currently in a standoff because even though Gage was in charge of their Texas chapter’s building company, Rascal was positive he knew better. His latest comment showed exactly why Gage had gone to the other chapter to prospect. Bear’s dad throwing in he’d changed Gage’s diapers and Gage better listen to him had escalated the conversation to a yelling match.

Bear stepped in to push his dad back from Gage.

“How about you let me do my job? When I’m getting a tattoo, I’ll listen to you,” Gabe muttered as he backed away.

“I’ll have you know these are my grandkids and I want them safe.”

“Rascal, I do, too, but there are ways we need to build the barrier. Just digging a hole today when we haven’t figured out how big or how wide could make us have to re-do something.”

Rascal relaxed and shook his head. “Anyone ever tell you how much you guys piss me off when you talk sense and I have to give in?”

Gage laughed. “No, but you owe money to the swear jar.”

“I’m going inside to see the kids and get some coffee and pay into the swear jar.”

Bear glanced around, checking their progress. It had been a long day but they were getting ready to knock off for supper. He’d smelled chili, vegetable soup and homemade bread when he’d walked through earlier. Some of the guys had grabbed extra tables and chairs and set them up in the living room. It was a good thing the house was an open concept because they had over forty people to feed tonight.

War walked up to the door as Bear opened it.

“How’s it feel, Dad?”

Bear slapped his friend on the back. “Pretty awesome except I’m ready for Locks and Rascal to go home. They came before six and I’m ready for a little peace.”

War laughed and shook his head. “I think you’re tough out of luck. I heard Rascal asking if he could stay over at Locks’ again tonight so they could come do one of the nighttime feedings.”

Not what he wanted but seeing his dad holding the baby and smiling was worth any annoyances he felt. He had a family when he never thought he would so he’d take his dad being around.
