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Jesse: Now you’re just being mean for those of us not getting any, right, Sarah?

Beth: WTF? Who do you think I’m supposedly doing? It’s been a long dry spell for me too.

Jesse: Sorry.

Sarah: I have a client that just walked in. I’m out.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Winnie drummed herfingers on the dashboard, waiting for the signal. They’d dropped some of their stuff off at the house they were staying at and then waited until dark to head to Gnat’s.

Sarah reached over and placed her hand on Winnie’s. “It will be okay. We’ll take care of this nuisance and then you can go back to the amazing life you’re starting with your man.”

“I know. I just want this over. How long can it take Beth and Remington to check out the place?”

“Time passes slowly when you’re waiting on people. They’ve been gone five minutes. We allotted eight to ten. Give your sisters time to confirm who’s in the house.”

Regina’s calm voice washed over Winnie, relaxing her a little. Regina and Winnie’s mom had both had that calming influence with their family and children. Winnie wished she would have learned that or absorbed it from being around them but it was her personality. Winnie was the person who could see the light on the darkest day but she was also the one who might fly off the handle if she was angry.

Winnie jerked at the tap on her window. She rolled it down, waiting for the go ahead.

“She’s alone in the front room. Two from the front, two from the back and two from the garage. Let’s do this.” Remington’s no-nonsense approach had Winnie double-checking her weapon.

When she had time later, she’d remember Sarah’s surprise at the multiple guns and knives Regina had brought. What did she think a woman who had stood by her man for over forty years in an MC would bring to have a chat with someone threatening them?

“Countdown in three, two, one. Breach.”

Remington’s peaceful voice through her ear mic was a contrast to the sound as they entered Gnat’s residence.

Winnie scanned the kitchen and entered the hall. “Kitchen clear.”

Beth’s voice echoed from the front room. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Sit your ass back down and stay there. We’re just here for a chat.”

“A chat with guns?” Gnat screeched.

“Well, we’ll start with a chat but if you don’t cooperate, I have no problem using other persuasive tools.”
