Page 49 of Bear

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They’d also added a small, fenced area where the dogs could go out and do their business without someone having to be with them the whole time. Rascal had taken to watching Joey and the dogs if he didn’t have any client appointments. If he did, Lock came and subbed in.

She and Bear had sat them down last week and had a talk about presents. The kids had plenty and they loved both Papas equally. They’d all four agreed on a moratorium on presents until birthdays or holidays. She and Bear were fine with all the things they’d all showered on the kids but she didn’t want it to be a habit. She and her sisters had learned to work for stuff when they were older and she wanted the kids to have the same. Plus she didn’t want to have to add on to the house or build another because of the gifts the Papas were buying.

Her stomach ached at Gnat getting close to Bear or the kids. She didn’t like misleading Bear but if he knew, he’d want to go along. His protective instinct for her and the kids was through the roof. This was one time Winnie was going to protect Bear.

Winnie: I hate the thought of lying to Bear but we need to scare her enough that she leaves us alone.

Beth: What if scaring her doesn’t work? Do you have the next step?

Winnie: Thinking it through. I’m open to suggestions.

Remington: Okay. So we’re planning a girls’ trip to Kansas City next weekend. We’ll tell the guys we’re taking two SUVs so we can bring back plenty of items. Sarah, we need a place to stay, not a hotel. Jesse, I want the SUVs loaded for any eventuality. I think we need to invite Regina.

Winnie: Why?

Remington: She’s badass and also knows Gnat. We need intel plus taking Regina will put the guys in charge of all the kids. They’ll be too busy taking care of kids to think of what we’re doing.

Jesse: And that’s why you’re in charge. You’re devious, big sis. Got it.

Sarah: We’re not going to do anything we need alibis for, will we? If so, I need to work on that before we go.

Winnie: This is a TALK!! No we don’t need alibis.

Although Winnie would love to make sure Gnat never bothered Bear again, she’d never decided to kill anyone. She’d shot and killed an assailant when she was on a security job. He’d been after her client and she’d defended them both.

Thinking about her kids and Bear, though, made her wonder how far she would go to keep them safe. If someone came at her kids, she’d defend them with everything she had. She’d fallen in love with each of them. Phoebe, David and even little Joey had wormed their way into her heart until she couldn’t imagine a life without them.

The social worker had visited and approved everything for the moment. Winnie wanted to make everything official but her and Bear being married would make it easier and anything with bureaucrats involved made things harder. Their social worker said she’d be back in a month but in the meantime, Bear had access to everything at the kids’ house. The MC was sending a couple members to pack up the house. Beth had indicated most of it was shredded but with Gnat in the picture, they wanted every scrap from the house. The crime scene had been released. Bear planned on checking with the department to see if there were any leads.

Remington: Are we in agreement?

Winnie: Yes. We are going to have a chat with Gnat and explain the consequences of continuing to harass Bear.

Beth: I’m all for that but I think Sarah should continue digging into Gnat. There’s no way she’s survived all these years without stepping over a couple lines.

Sarah: Yep. Mint Chocolate Chip is digging into money and how she’s survived. Sure, Bear’s given her a lot of cash over the years but not enough to survive as long as she has.

Winnie: Scoop doesn’t know you found her, right?

Sarah: Nope. We’re good. I’m following her and her connections. He’s following the money.

Winnie turned back to her schedule for the gym. They were getting busy enough and with the addition of the kids, she didn’t want to increase her hours. She’d pulled as many people to help as she could from the MC and her sisters. She’d need to look at hiring someone to help. She added modifying a kids’ room to her list for the gym. Sometimes she wanted to be able to bring the kids with her but there wasn’t a good place they could hang out.

Her whole attitude had changed with the kids filling up her life. She hated missing any second and couldn’t imagine it would get any easier, especially as Joey started doing all his firsts, like rolling over and crawling.

Despite growing up with the MC and the skirmishes that had happened over the years, she’d always known her parents would keep her safe. Once her dad deemed them old enough, he worked with them on how to stay safe. She wanted that for her kids, which meant it was time to scare Gnat and have her fly far, far away.

Winnie: Who is contacting Regina? Then we can tell the guys.

Remington: I’m seeing her today. I will. We’re here for you, Winnie.

Beth: We might need another code for a clandestine op without the guys.

Jesse: I like it.

Sarah: Got your back, Winnie. Everybody has their assignments and I’m not adding any more codes. Remi’s hunk just had me print cards up with the codes for the guys because he couldn’t remember them all. Remi must have blown his mind with sex because how hard is it to remember nine codes?

Remington: Hey, I’m good. What can I say? My man is a delicious treat I enjoy sampling regularly, but I agree. We might need more codes.
