Page 58 of Bear

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Beth’s words reminded her she and Bear weren’t alone but having to worry about the kids made her furious. Gnat better not come for them. Winnie wasn’t going to stand by and allow her to hurt any of them.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Bear smirked at theantics of all the kids, the dogs, and his woman’s sisters. Beth had brought all of her dogs to lunch, too.

“The little black dog is Lilly and the Shepherd mix is Dolly. So what’s the Schnauzer mix one named?” Cannon was petting the Schnauzer and scratching behind the ears.

“His name is Moss,” Beth replied.

Bear had been waiting for this when he’d overheard the women talking about how Beth was going to pay back Cannon for the tinted lotion prank. Bear was positive Cannon wasn’t interested in Beth. He had his eye on one of the other sisters. Cannon treated Beth like an annoying little sister. After being in such close quarters with the sisters, Bear had known they’d be paying the guys back for that prank.

“That’s my given name.”

“Yep.” Beth’s grin grew and she nodded and popped the P on the word.

“You named your dog after me? Like you knew it was my name?”

Beth chuckled then pointed. “Oh man, this is better than I planned. Yes, Cannon, I fudging know you’re the one who put the food dye in my lotion. Plus, let’s face it, you’re a bit of a hound dog panting after all the women who come to the parties. I thought it was fitting and every time I call his name it makes me smile.”

The jeers and laughter from his brothers weren’t helping. Bear hadn’t ever seen Cannon at a loss for words but the enjoyment was a welcome relief from the tension the last week.

The teams had been watching the house but hadn’t been able to get anything concrete besides there were a lot of well-known names visiting it. Winnie had kept him focused on the things they could do like play with the kids and make sure they were adjusting well.

Sarah had been going through Cassidy’s boxes from her house. Her last update was she’d found a stack of journals stacked and folded neatly inside a sweater which was then put at the bottom of a trunk. He was curious what the journals contained but right now, there wasn’t anything he could do with that. He moved it to the side and put it in his imaginary box. The therapist had given him a list of things to do to cope. When he and Winnie had discussed them, he’d liked Winnie’s idea of the box. She used it on security jobs. If it was something that was off or couldn’t be taken care of, she’d slide it in what she called her box for later. Then it was off her mind and was on a list to be looked at later. Until Sarah updated them on anything from the journals, they’d remain in the box to be dealt with at a later date.

Phoebe ran over and tugged on Beth’s hand. “Can I take Bossy Mossy to play in the play room?”

Beth nodded. “Sure, honey. Remember, if he barks to go outside, come get me?”

“Seriously, Bossy Mossy?”

War chuckled and slapped Cannon on the shoulder. “She’s five and she has you pegged, brother.”

“Got it. Code Chandler, David.”

Bear snickered and then couldn’t hold it in, guffawing until tears ran down his face. His five-year-old daughter just used the codes to warm her sibling to not shoot her with the nerf gun as she came in.
