Page 59 of Bear

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Baron walked over with War, shaking their heads. “You are so screwed when she’s a teenager. Phoebe is way smarter than all of us and she’ll be running everything soon.”

“You guys better be ready. We were adding some more codes because we realized we were missing them. She started suggesting stuff from the show. It scares me a little that she watched it because some of the situations are definitely not for kids. We have five new codes we’ll be adding and she remembers them all. I wonder if Phoebe has a photographic memory?” Winnie wondered.

Bear could see that because she was constantly amazing him. They had a little memory game and she always won even against him and Winnie. He didn’t care what she had. He wanted her to have a wonderful life and do whatever she wanted with it and to do that, they needed to neutralize the threats against them.

Winnie pulled his arm up and snuggled underneath it. “The kids are having fun and the dogs are currently being taken care of. My stomach’s full. Maybe we should go take a nap together.”

His woman had the perfect idea. Moments alone were few and far between with three kids. Heck, at this point, he’d settle for some heavy petting without being interrupted.

Baron nodded. “Go get some time alone. I’ll make sure everyone is covered. At some point, I’d love to hold Joey but Rascal and Locks have been baby hoggers. I shared my grandkids and now that they have some, everything has changed. When War and Remington finally get in gear, their baby is all mine. Not sharing with them.”


Baron’s phone sounded and he answered.

Bear decided maybe they should check out one of the new houses they were building. He could grab a blanket and then...

“Bear, we have a sheriff’s car with a deputy, a car with the social worker, and another car with one male at the gate requesting to meet with you both.”

Baron waited a second, looking at Bear inquiringly. Bear nodded but turned to Cannon. “Can you let her sisters know to keep the kids hidden and quiet?”

Cannon nodded and hurried out of the room.

“Let them in,” Baron replied then hung up and walked to open the front door to wait on them. He stood with his arms crossed then jerked.

“Bear, I need you to keep calm. The social worker has your ex-chief with her.”

Winnie placed her hand on his chest, rubbing in a circle. “Stay in the moment, Bear. We’ve got this. In fact, let me lead.”

He nodded, letting Winnie know he heard her because he couldn’t speak without screaming. He put it in the box like the therapist had suggested but as soon as his ex-chief was gone, he was yanking that fucker out and going through every scenario to keep his family safe.

The social worker passed by Baron and then the ex-chief. He couldn’t even appreciate how Baron huffed with disdain as his former boss passed by. Winnie patted his hand then walked toward the social worker, holding out her hand.

“I’m sorry. We didn’t expect your visit. Did I miss something on the calendar?”

“No, Ms. Franks, this came up unexpectedly. I know Mr. Carter is familiar with Chief Scott but I don’t believe you’ve met. Chief Scott, this is Winchester Franks, Mr. Carter’s fiancée.”

Winnie put her hand out to shake. When the chief shook her hand, Bear saw he tightened his grip, trying to make her wince. His woman was strong and didn’t show any discomfort on her face.

“What came up unexpectedly? I hope this won’t take long. We’ve had the stomach flu going through the household and one of my sisters just let me know Joey has it now. I’d thought our household had missed it but when kids are together things spread quickly. I want to get him home as soon as possible. Everyone wants to be in the comfort of their homes when they feel under the weather.”

The social worker glanced over at the chief. “Well, that changes things. Chief Scott has come forward stating he was dating Cassidy before she died and he believes Joey is his son. We had come to get a sample for DNA but with Joey having the flu, we’ll wait.”

Bear kept an eye on the chief’s face. He was furious his plans had been thwarted but what plans included Joey? The chief was unmarried and he couldn’t see him wanting a baby.

“I’m a little confused with this happening now,” Winnie commented.

“He just brought it to my attention.”

“I know, that’s why I’m surprised. Cassidy died in your town. Did you not realize when you worked the crime scene that it was possible he was your son? Why wait until now?”

Chief Scott walked closer to Winnie, his face reddening with his anger. “I was a little busy investigating her death. Now that we’ve closed the case, I can focus on my son.”

Regina walked over closer, squeezing Bear’s hand as she walked by. “Oh, I’m so glad to hear that. Who did you arrest?”

Regina’s words seemed to add fuel to his anger. Bear waited for the reply because as corrupt as his ex-chief was, he’d be surprised if anyone had been.

“We ruled it a random burglary.”
