Page 61 of Bear

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Listening to Phoebe whimper until she fell asleep on Bear’s shoulder had broken her heart. David had called the chief a bad man but wasn’t as upset as Phoebe. He was young enough he might not understand what had happened but he was cuddled up on the bed with both of them. Bear’s eyes had been blazing and she’d known if the kids hadn’t needed him, he’d be hunting someone down.

The last update had been that War was contacting their Texas chapter for help and also contacting Whiskey and his brothers to see if any of them could help.

Winnie had taken her own insurance out against them losing Joey. She’d texted Cannon that she was worried about their vulnerability behind the house. Bear had snuck in to get her for their date and someone else could do the same. He asked how far she was willing to go. He hadn’t answered right away when she said she’d like anyone coming on their property to be obliterated. She was sure he was a little surprised with her answer. She was the sister who always had a smile on her face who ran the gym. She was positive even though she went on security jobs, the guys considered her the least dangerous sister. What they didn’t realize is she had a family now and a mother would do anything to protect her children.

He’d finally replied he’d see what he could do. He needed to take into account not compromising the tunnel system and he didn’t want any of the deer that were near the property to set it off.

Although she loved her house, maybe they should move into the rooms at her dad’s house. With his house being a junction for the tunnel system, there were more options to get away.

Right now, the chief had all the power. He ruled his city and had the mayor in his pocket. They’d identified the mayor as one of the frequent visitors to Gnat’s establishment. To get rid of his power, they needed to make it bigger than his city. She texted Remi since she and Sarah were point on the surveillance detail on the house.

Winnie: Has the team been able to get pictures from inside the house?

Sarah: Yes, some aren’t usable but Rocky Road is trying to enhance so we can run facial rec.

Winnie: Have him focus on any of the women who look young.

Remi: What are you thinking?

Winnie: If they are minors and crossed state lines then it’s a federal case. We’ve already identified no one new has come in the last week.

Remi: Over state lines and over 24 hours means it could be federal which would negate their power if feds came in.

Sarah: Got it. Mint Chocolate Chip’s on it.

Remi: FYI, Whiskey sent Hennesey and a couple cousins to make the rounds at the bars and clubs to see if they could sniff out anything. Hug the kids for us and know we’re doing everything we can to keep them safe.

Winnie: Thx

Winnie was thankful they were texting because she wasn’t sure she could continue to hold back the tears. She was frustrated, angry and so very scared. What if they couldn’t keep the kids safe? The biggest and baddest didn’t always win and sometimes innocents were hurt.

Bear’s warm arms wrapped around her as she gazed out the window. He took the cup out of her hand and placed it on the counter. His finger tilted her chin so he could see her.

“You’ve been so strong today, Sunbeam.” His kissed her lips. Not a sexual one where he wanted to claim her. A kiss promising he’d go through this with her. He pulled back and she buried her face in his chest, letting the first sob break free, her hands holding tight to his cut. She tried to muffle her sobbing because she didn’t want to wake Phoebe up and worry her.

Bear’s hand held the back of her head and his voice whispered in her ear. “You’ve always been my sunbeam, always sharing your light with everyone else, but even the sun gets overpowered by the clouds sometimes.”

She cried for the kids who would never get to be held in Cassidy’s arms again and she cried because she worried she wouldn’t get to always hold the kids. Her Benton just held her, kissing her hair and being her shelter when she couldn’t hold herself up.

“So, you’re going to cry all the tears you need to. I’m going to be like that song you were singing the other day. I’ll be your umbrella when the rain comes and then we’re going to rip into their lives, examine everything and find where they are vulnerable. Then we’re going to do whatever it takes to make sure those kids are always part of our family.”

She could live with that. “Let’s go snuggle with the kids in bed. I need to hold them.”

Bear kissed her forehead. “You go on ahead. I’m going to check the doors after I let Rascal in. He’s taking first watch on the couch. Locks is going to relieve him at four. Tomorrow we can discuss where the safest place is for our family.”
