Page 62 of Bear

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Chapter Thirty-Five

They’d decided notto move into Locks’ house. Cannon and Scoop had completed some security additions for the time being. Bear was pushing for a new development in the middle of the new property. He and Winnie had started writing down what they wanted in a house. He figured Winnie was the most excited about the new housing area—besides providing more security, it would also have her minutes from the gym.

It had been a week of ups and downs. His worry had grown over the last week of when the next hit might come. After discussing with Winnie the ramifications over Joey’s DNA test, Roam had offered the perfect solution. They’d sent a sample of Grant’s saliva in. The test would return that the chief wasn’t the father and Joey would be safe with them. With the backup at the lab where the state did testing, their social worker had said it would be at least four weeks, possibly longer.

He and his family would do anything to keep Joey out of the chief’s hands even if it meant submitting false information.

The journals had been gone through but Sarah and Scoop had said they didn’t want to share anything until they had confirmation on a couple of items. Today’s meeting in the clubhouse was for an update. Regina would be watching the kids along with a couple of prospects. His daughter was pouting because he’d said no to bringing the puppies. Regina was more than happy to have them but with so many people in the meeting, he didn’t want to have someone’s time taken to let the puppies outside.

“Hmmmph.” Phoebe huffed as he opened her door. He was sure he wouldn’t find this adorable when she was sixteen but seeing his little five-year-old glaring at him with her arms crossed had him fighting a grin.

“Let’s go inside. I heard Regina say she needed you all helping her frost cinnamon rolls.”

His daughter’s face perked up a little but then she scrunched her forehead. “I’ll help cuz I love cinn’mon rolls but I’m still angry with you.”

He nodded his head. “I know but sometimes dads have to do what is best for the family. Sometimes I have to say no.”

He leaned down and brushed a kiss against her head, giving her a hug. She squirmed out of his arms and ran toward the front door, David following behind her.

Scoop laughed as he unbuckled Joey. His woman had taken the snacks and diaper bag for Joey in. “She’s got quite the personality. It makes me happy for you, Bear, that she knows how much you all love her. She feels comfortable showing her anger.”

“Oh, yeah she does. After I told her no at the house, she went in and talked to the puppies. Loud enough I could hear her.”

“What she’d say?”

“Oh, how she loved them but Daddy was in a bad mood and she was sorry he wouldn’t let them come. Then she told Buttons if he didn’t straighten up and quit chewing boots, Daddy might not let him sleep in David’s bed.”

Bear held the door as Scoop walked through where Locks immediately took Joey out of his arms.


“Be careful, Mint Chocolate Chip. Ice cream melts under heat.” Locks’ glare backed up his word.

“No, no, no. You all are not calling me anything but Scoop.” Scoop stomped off toward their council room, holding his hand above his head and saluting Locks with one finger.

They might fight over holding Joey but they fought just as much over getting time with the little kids. Baron walked out and handed a piece of fabric to Locks.

“Nice. How many did she make?”

Locks handed Joey to Baron. “Hold him just a second. No taking him away.”

Locks picked up the fabric, efficiently wrapping it around him until it formed a sling. He lifted Joey out of Baron’s arms, gently placing him in the wrap, situating him.

“She made two for each of you to have so you could have one being washed. They’re all personalized with the Brotherhood’s insignia.”

If Bear had any doubt about the dedication of the Papas, this would dissuade them. Personalized baby slings so they could carry around his son. He smiled and headed into council. Winnie had an open space beside her that he quickly grabbed. It might be a serious meeting but his brothers had no problem taking the seat to mess with him.

“Okay, everybody’s here so let’s get started. Scoop, Sarah, Beth, this is all your show. Who’s starting?”

Sarah took a breath then started. “Cassidy wrote everything down. We’re guessing the journals are what whoever trashed her place was looking for. We’ve discussed how to tell you and honestly, guys, there’s no easy way. We’re going to lay it out for you and at any time, you can ask us to pause for questions.”
